Chapter Twenty One

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You know, it's been four months and a day since this story started, and now it's close to over. I only have one chapter left before the next book, A Scream in the Wind, begins. This chapter is pretty short, but the next (and last) should be pretty lengthy. It'll probably be up next weekend.

Chapter Twenty One


I held my breath as I ran my fingers through my hair. I'd been focusing on getting cleaned up since we got back, but there was the fight going on, so I couldn't. But it was almost over, and Pheonix and Landon were taking care of it.

I rapped the towel around myself and stepped out of the shower. The mirror was covered in mist. I wiped it off and looked at myself. I had slight bags under my eyes, but no blood was dried near the cuts on my face. It was a bit of a relief. But not much. I had a horrible feeling that this wasn't the last fight we'd be having. Not the last battle that we'd be battling. And my views on that? I hate it.


I sighed and leaned back on my bed, relaxing for the first time in days. This was never going to end, was it? She'd keep on running back until she had what she wants. Or "fate," as she calls it. But next time, maybe next time, we'd get her. Maybe after next time, she won't come back. Maybe we'll be done and be able to live and finish schooling in peace. Just maybe. That was the line I'd live on until she was gone... just maybe.


Violet looked at me, smiling, "It's over for now," she said.

"For now," I smiled.

Her eyes studied me. "Trent... I think we should get a chance at having a good education here... but with Mr. Thomason gone, no one can provide that. What do you think," she said, "if we asked Caitlyn to run it. Angels have all of the rights. That's why we're here."

"I love that idea," I said, "We'd have out best friend back."

"My thoughts exactly."


I was happy that Trent liked the idea. It was good, considering the fact that anything could happen right now. The grounds of the Taylor's Academy for Elementals isn't under protection... so no one would have to penetrate it... they could just walk right in.

"You know," I said, "I want some pudding."

"Well, let's go get pudding, then," Trent said, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from my room, away from the school.

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