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Hey! Now, this isn't a normal chapter. I'm posting a chapter from the tenth grade (or senior, since they graduate in 10th grade) textbook. It's going to tell you about the angels (a HUGE part of this series) and why elementalists exist. You'll also see little things about key words and important notes. Here we go!

Section 7 of the Tenth Grade Text Book of Elemental History






How Elementalists Began (Angels)

Angels (a Greek word meaning messenger) are the real elementalists. The head angel, Kaelios, was the angel of all energy. His children take all of the other elements.

When time began, Kaelios was alone. He found that mere mortals could be turned to angels, though many say they are immortal beings of spirit.

His first child, Emelia, was one of these mere mortals. Kaelios appeared to her one day, telling her she could be immortal, beautiful, and control an element. She told him he was crazy. The next day, he appeared again, and continued this cycle until she gave in. Emelia is the angel of Earth.

His second child was Freyis, a young man who dreamed of being immortal. Longed for it. Kaelios asked him to join his angels, and be forever free of their will. Freyis is the angel of fire.

Sarah is his third child. She had been best friends with Freyis, and because of that, she got the job of being the angel of Spirit.

His fourth child was Willow, a twelve year old that had ice blue eyes and blond curly hair. Many say she was the daughter of the king and queen of Cloress, a now underwater country. She is the angel of Water.

William, Willow's twin brother, got to be the angel of Wind.

Later Angels

Delilah is the angel of Darkness. She was one of the few who believed angels were just fragments of the mind. She didn't worship the angels. As more and more figured this out, they sentenced her to death. But by the time that happened, she had begun to believe because she had fallen in love with Frayis. Frayis had asked her to marry him. She said yes. Seconds before they killed her, Frayis saved Delilah.

Hannah is the next angel, taking on humanity. She was a true believer, knowing the angels were real. She had seen them in her dreams. In one of her dreams, Kaelios asked her to come to the kingdom (heaven) and be the angel of Humanity. She agreed and woke up in a bed high in the sky.

Bella is the angel of Blood. She was actually a queen when Kaelios chose her to come to the heavens. She was known for her personality. She gave food and shelter to the poor, even after becoming the angel of blood.

Darius, the angel of death, or as many say, the devil, was chosen because he'd fallen in love with Emelia.

Lily is the angel of Light. She was fifteen years old when Kaelios chose her.

Ilici is the angel of Ice. Her name is pronounced Ill-e-c.

Logan is the angel of Lightning. They say he was found after a war, injured so badly he was almost dead. Kaelios decided that Logan had been a brave warrior and let him became an angel.

Tally is the angel of Thunder. When she was just a baby, she was chosen to be an angel. She was described with piercing gray eyes, her symbol.

Hayley is the angel of all Healing. She had been the only female doctor in the 1800's because of her skills.

Stacia is the angel of Snow. The cold, brutal, winters that killed so many. People of the olden times say she was the cruelest angel, worse than Darius, even.

Thalia, the final angel known of, controls time. She is the only angel (besides Kaelios) that can transport anywhere at any time.

Children of the Angels

Most of the angels children have the same powers, but are not immortal. Some of the children join their parents in the angels' kingdom as minor angels. Many people believe that all of these angels created the Greek gods and others. But the angels are the only real ones.

The children are all unique in their own way. Some have more control over others.

--Interesting, isn't it? I hope I have this story done by the 15th, but I don't think it's possible. That means two or three chapters a day.-


PS Who is your favorite character?

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