Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


"Eww!" I said, staring down at my cellphone. Reagan had sent me a picture of a spider. A big, furry spider.


Really nasty.

"Ferma," the teacher said, "phone off and away now or I get it."

I nodded and turned of my phone. Then slid it into my backpack.

"Good morning class!" Mrs. Ranolldian smiled. She had blond hair, pink lips, and purple eyes. Well, everyone in this room had purple eyes. Because we're Spirit users.

"Good morning Mrs. Ranolldian!" we replied sleepily.

"Now, since we have so many new students, can someone explain how this school works?" She looked around the class room. Several hands raised. "Nina?"

The girl-Nina-said, "It's kind of like elementary school again. We have the same teacher but different subjects without specials and more extra credit."

"Very well! Now, who will explain where the word 'elementary' came from?" She glanced quickly around, then called, "Kalli?"

The girl smiled and said, "The word for humans elementary came from the word element, which we have genes for."

Mrs. Ranolldian smiled, "Amazingly perfect!" she looked around. "How many of you have links with someone?"

Only one hand shot up.

"Caitlyn! Explian how you got your link!"

"I healed my friend after he got burned in a fire," she said quietly.

"Okay. Now, most Spirit users don't have the ability to heal. Why not? Yuka?"

Yuka cleared her throat and said, "You have to be half Healer and half Spirit user."

"Very well!"


Thank God it was lunch time.

I sat down by Ferma and Pheonix when my phone beeped. I grabbed it and looked at who had texted me. Trent.

It said:

Meet me behind the school @ 12:30.

I texted back:


I wondered what he wanted. Maybe just to hang out like old times. So, every ten seconds I'd glance at the clock. Finally, it hit 12:28. I stood up. "Gotta go," I said as I finished eating my muffin.

When I got around to the back, Trent stood there, a half grin on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"C'mon!" he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the forest.

All of the leaves were brillant oranges and yellows. Even red. That's why I love fall so much. It's just...amazing. Trent still held my hand I had had to leap to keep from falling. But, after about five minutes, I fell on my back, Trent landing next to me. We both laughed and then I realized how close he was to me. I think he did too, because he wasn't laughing anymore. We just lied there, and stared at eachother. Then, he kissed me.


James laughed at my joke and lied on his back next to me. We were in my room, on my bed, just hanging out. I barely knew him, but he was nice. And his eyes are wicked awesome.

"Okay, would you rather die, of be a Fire user?" he asked me. "I'd rather be a fire user myself."

I frowned, "Hmm," I said, "Die, I guess."

"Wow," he said sarcastically.

I began to laugh, and so did he.

"I know, right?" I asked through spirts of laughter.

He nodded, laughing so hard he couldn't respond.

"Okay, see you in a little bit, at dinner, I guess," I waved as he walked down the opposite hallway to the Light users class.

"See you!" he called over his shoulder.

I turned the other way and began down the hall to my class.


I made my way to class silently. I took my seat and Carter gave one look at me and said, "What happened to you?"

I shrugged him off.

"Okay, dude, really? Don't act like a-"

"Shut up," I said.

"Yeah! Shut up!" Haiylliye said.

"Hey, Haiylliye!" Spencer said, taking the seat next to her.

"Hey," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Class! Attention!"

We all turned to face Mr. Teylur.

"Today we will be outside. Line up."

We all stood up and Haiylliye said, "Mr. Teylur? Do we need our books?"

"No, Haiylliye, you don't."

She nodded and went to stand behind Ibrahim.

He lead us to the left side of the school and told us to relax and pass lightning to the person next to us. I was next to Spencer, so I turned to him.

"Pass!" he said, throwing a bolt at me. I held out my hands and let it fly to my heart. Then I concentrated on taking in the energy of the bolt, rather than dying. I want to live at least!

Then I threw a bolt more powerful to him and so on.

"Okay! Now, step on the scale-" everyone groaned, "-and let's see how much energy you've collected."

After going through most of us, it was my turn. I stepped onto the scale and looked at the meter.

111,259 Watts

"Wow," Mr. Teylur said, "Impressive for the eighth grade."

That was over the average of a senior. I was to powerful, and I could hurt anyone. Great. Just great.

The Trackers and the Trailers (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora