chapter 11

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***taeyong's pov***

All the guys were running errands or just out hanging out with each other. Me and winnie didn't feel like hanging out with a bunch of gays so we chose to hit up y/n and have a relaxed day with her.

Ty:hey y/n wanna come to the mall with me and winwin and then go to like the park or something.

Y/n:yeah sure (:

Ty:great we'll be at your place in 30 minutes (:

I quickly texted winwin to get ready and then we arrived to y/n's apartment.

Winwin knocked on the door and soon a wild y/n opened the door and attacked us with hugs.

"Nice to see you too." Winwin said with a chuckle. We headed to the closest mall and chose to shop around. We entered a cute little shope and y/n instantly thought of lucas and asked us what was a cute gift and such.

"Oooo what about this" y/n asked holding up a small bear.

"Why not just buy the whole damn shop." I said with a smile.

After an hour of waiting on y/n we went to the foodcourt and i could've sworn i saw lucas but with a girl?

"Hey ill be back keep y/n distracted." I whispered to winwin and made my way to lucas.

Before i was fully close i could hear their conversation.

"You're perfect you know that?"

"Aw lucas stoop" i heard the girl say i almost threw up. I chose to walk back to my table with winwin and y/n, i couldn't believe he's cheating.

"Um so who's ready for the park?" I asked wanting to leave before y/n saw lucas.

          Time skip

***lucas's pov***

I chose to leave the dorm before anyone could ask me anything. I was going to meet up with cindy at the mall. She's amazing and beautiful. I smiled at the thought of her. I know i have y/n but she doesn't make me feel happy when i left the hospital this morning cindy asked why y/n wasn't here to pick me up instead doyoung was. Cindy made me think y/n didnt care for me since she wasnt here.

After walking around we had some food and hung out in the food court.

"You're perfect you know that?" I said with a smile as i held her hand.

"Aww lucas stoop." She smiled and blushed, she's so cute.

A man walked passed us and i thought it was taeyong but it probably wasnt. I continued talking with cindy and we walked around some more, i was waiting for cindy while she was trying clothes on then i got a text from taeyong.

Ty:hey where are you????

L:just doing some stuff running some errands. why?

Ty: uh huh well y/n is coming by the dorm later.

L:oh okay

"Damn" was all i said before cindy walked out in a dress.

***y/n pov***

After the park me,winwin and taeyong went to their dorm. I chose to put lucas's gifts in his room on his bed and waited in the living room. I looked at taeyong and he seemed pissed, he was bouncing his leg and had an angry expression on his face.

"You okay?" I asked him

"Huh? Oh yeah just trying to figure something out." He said.

"Like what?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me." Taeyong looed at me with concern, he sighed before sitting up and looking at me.

"I have this friend and he's cheeting on his girlfriend and i dont know if i should talk to him about it or tell his girlfriend because me and her a such great friends and i dont want to hurt her." He said with a bit of a hurt expression.

I sighed. 'who is he talking about?' Was all i thought.

"Well..i think you should tell his so called girlfriend if you're such great friends with her. Better to tell the truth then lie." Was all i said till lucas came in through the front door.

"BABE!" he yelled with open arms. I laughed at his stupidness and hugged him. I missed him.

"Come on lets go cuddle." He said while dragging me to his room.

He opened his room door and saw the gifts i put on his bed.

"This is so cute!" He said and kissed my cheek as a thank you.

"I just wanted to get you something for when you came back from the hospital." I said with a smile, he then pulled me on his bed with him and we just cuddled for a bit.

I was trying to fall asleep but lucas smelled like perfume and it wasn't mine. I looked up at him and noticed a hickey on his neck. My heart broke.

'taeyong was talking about lucas..' I instantly got up from the bed and made my way to the door.

"Where are you going babe?"

I just ignored lucas and left the dorm completely and walked straight to my apartment and cried in my bed.

Group chat:

Ty:you okay

Mk:what happened?

Cl:want us to come over?

J:i can bring your favorite ice cream

Jm:i can bring pizza

Cl:OOO i can bring umm..myself (:

Y/n: i appreciate you guys im okay and chenle you're adorable but i just want to be alone guys.

Jy:nah nah nah we're coming over no sister of mine is going to be a depressed loser.

Before i could amswer i hear a knock on my door. I quickly washed my face with cold water to help get rid of the puffiness from my eyes and answered the door.

Instead of hi's or hellos i was greeted with hugs and it made me tear up.

"Is it just you guys?" I asked and they answered by just nodding.

"The rest of the guys passed out when they came home." Taeyong explained.

"I brought your favorite ice cream." Jeno handed me the ice cream with a smile.

"And i brought the pizza." Jaemin said holding the openes box, it was missing a slice though.

"And i brought myself." Chenle said while eating the missing slice of pizza.

I laughed a bit i love these guys so much.

After a few hours of just talking about what happened while eating the pizza that jaemin brought we were just watching some movies. I sat in between taeyong and jaemin mark,chenle.jeno, and johnny sat or laid on the floor.

I later fell asleep with my head on jaemins shoulder and had a dream about lucas.

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