chapter 14

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***lucas's pov***
I was sitting on one of the chairs in the dance room waiting for the others so we could practice the dance for boss.

I sighed as i put my head in my hands and rested my elbows on my knees.

All i heard was the door open and close a few times indicating people were coming in. Someone had sat beside me but i didn't bother to look. The situation with y/n kept playing in my head over and over which made my heart break more and more.

"You good?" Johnny asked patting my back.

"Huh? Oh yeah." I said clearing my throat and fighting back the tears that wanted to escape.

"Look you fucked up with my sister first, be glad i didn't break your knees and you also shouldn't be upset with her or jaemin. Shit happens." Johnny said to me and then walked off to warm up. He had a point, i did cheat and man i fucking regret it.

After practice everyone went out for lunch but i chose to stay at the dorm and figure out what i was going to say to jaemin and y/n.

"No yeah I'll be over it's fine everyone went out to eat anyway...he's not well he's pissed and's not your fault stop it's mine i shouldn't have kissed you....i dont regret doing it though...*chuckling* okay I'll be there soon..okay bye love."

I walked out of my room to see jaemin getting off the phone and before i could see the ID and it was y/n's name with a bunch of hearts. My heart was officially gone.

"Oh uh hey i thought you were with the guys??" Jaemin asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Um no i wasn't feeling too good so i came to rest instead." I said a little pissed.

"Um well I'll see you later im gonna go work out i guess." I said as i walked passed him taers instantly rolling down my cheeks.

'Fuck fuck fuck!' I thought as i started punching the punching bag they had in the gym.

I kept my mask and hat on since the gym had a handful of people.


I checked my phone to see pictures of y/n and jaemin posted on every social media i had.

News: are nct's jaemin and johnny's little sister together??! So cute!

I punched the punching bag once more but i added much more force then before it ended up banging on the wall pretty hard. Im more upset with myself then at them.

         *time skip*
***no ones pov***

It's 11:00 and the guys were already at the dorm. Lucas had gone straight to his room and showered in his own bathroom.

He debated the whole ride back to the dorm if he should text y/n to talk.

L:Hey can we talk?

Y/n💔:um yeah what's up? sorry

Y/n💔:oh okay...

Y/n💔:im not together with jaemin by the way..i saw it online and flipped. He was just being nice and trying to cheer me up.

Lucas's heart formed back into one when he read her message.

L:that's great so can i take you out tomorrow night as a true apology for my mistake.


'please say yes please say yes' he wished as he shut his eyes tight and waited for a response.






Taeyong:get some sleep we have a busy schedule tomorrow.

L:Yes boss

Lucas sighed as he put his phone on the charger and put it on the bedside table. He tossed and turned waiting for a response. He figured y/n had fallen asleep so he chose to sleep too.


Lucas quickly looked at his phone.

Y/n💔:yes (: that'd be great.

Lucas was extremely happy he ended up calling her and they talked for hours. They both eventually had fallen asleep on the phone with eatch other.

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