chapter 12

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***lucas's pov***
Im so confused as to why y/n left..sad even. I got out of bed and chose to take a shower before bed.

As i was taking my shirt off i noticed a mark on my neck.

"No.." I said to myself as i stared at my neck with wide eyes, i quickly grabbed my phone and tried calling y/n but she didn't answer, i had at least called her 15 times and texted her at least 100 time but no luck.

When i had gotten out of the shower i changed and went to my bed, i noticed at the cute gifts y/n bought me. I'm starting to regret meeting cindy.


Cy:hey lucas i had fun today (: hope we can meet again tomorrow at my place.

L:leave me alone.


I chose to ignore my phone and try to sleep.


***jaemins pov***
I woke to someones phone going off. I checked to see who's phone it was but tried move as carefully as possible since sleeping beauty was on my shoulder. Eventually i realised it was lucyuck texting and calling y/n so i chose to send a picture of Her head  on my shoulder and a little of my jawline was visible in the picture.

"Oh well" i said to myself and sent the picture texted him back saying

Y/n:she's sleeping so stop bothering her ):<

[A/n he's using your phone so ye (:]

I locked her phone and placed it back on the coffee table. I looked at y/n and i don't know what came over me but i kissed her forehead and placed my head on hers as i fell back asleep but with a smile on my face.

***jenos pov***
I woke up before anyone else and chose to continue watching whatever was playing. I heard a click noise and turned to see jaemin taking a picture of y/n sleeping. After he texted whoever he kissed her and went to sleep.

'this hoe really just did that' i thought to myself, well he did say he started developing a crush on her. I shrugged and went back to watching the movie.

          Time skip
***jaemins pov***
Everyone was now up except for y/n. She was still asleep on me.

"Yo i think I'll just be a bed instead of an idol since im clearly comfortable." I said to the guys who were playing y/n's video games.

"You know you can always just move right?" Mark said.

"Nah im good." I simply said

"Do you have a crush on her???!" Chenle asked with excitement in his voice. Geez he looks like a little kid when their mom says they can get whatever they want from the grocery store.

"Yes he does." Jeno said as he gave me his eye smile he has.

I threw a couch pillow at him and it him perfectly in his face.

"You're gay you know that." Jeno said glaring.

"Love you too jenjen."

As the went on we eventually has to leave y/n's apartment which sucked but we had practice to go to.

***y/n's pov***
After the guys left i put away all the trash and chose to clean up my small apartment while listening to seventeen bts and all that jazz. Soon my phone started going off like crazy.




I rolled my eyes. Is he seriously asking if i cheated and what is he talking about who i was sleeping on??

I scrolled up on the chat a little and saw that jaemin took a picture of me and told lucas to leave me alone. How sweet.

Y/n:im not cheating on you and so what if i was? Would it matter since you did it first.

L:what are you talking about?

Y/n:for fucks sake lucas you smelled like another girl and you had a hickey on your neck!

L:i- im sorry y/n

Y/n:whatever don't talk to me

I ignored everything from lucas. His phone calls his texts and any social media he has.

***lucas's pov***

~~~~flash back to the day of da mall (:~~~~

After walking around me and cindy went back to her apartment and watched some movies while cuddling. She even made ramen what a woman.

After about an hour stuff got heated and we eventually took a nap. I quickly woke up and got dressed and headed to the dorm after writing a fake note saying i had work or something.

~~~~end of flashback~~~

Since last night cindy has been trying to contact me non stop.

When i saw that picture of y/n sleeping on some guys shoulder i had gotten supper pissed.

As the day went by i didnt know what to do y/n was ignoring me and i felt lonely.

"Yo wheres jaemin??" Mark asked, i shrugged my shoulders not caring

"Probably at y/n's again" chenle said with a smirk on his face.

"Why would he be there???" I asked a little mad.

"Uh she needed help moving furniture yesterday so he's probably helping her finish up today." Jeno quickly said and then punched chenle in the arm.

Soo enough jaemin came in with a smile.

"Sorry im late guys i was at y/n's again" jaemin said practically skipping in the dance room.

"Alright well we gotta practice so everyone in position!" Mark instructed everyone.

I hope jaemin and y/n aren't a thing.

Oh snap this story did a backflip..i dont know what that even means k bye hope you enjoyed (:

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