chapter 15

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***y/n's pov***

Today was the day lucas was taking me out to dinner for a true apology. I've missed being with him so much it's unbelievable.


L💜❤:hey im outside (:

I smiled and headed out and saw him in his cute little tuxedo. I was wearing a plain black dress that wasn't too long but not too short.

"You look amazing." Lucas said while giving me a tight hug as if it's been years and years without each other.

We made it to this fancy type restaurant which was extremely beautiful.

Lucas took both of my hands in his and looked me in the eyes after we had sat in a booth.

"Y/n im so sorry i cheated on you, i regret it so much and i hate myself for doing so..and im sorry for being upset about you and jaemin i guess just knowing the fact that he won your heart and i only lost it hurt..if you want to be with him instead i completely understand." He continued to look into my eyes.

"Lucas i love you and only you okay? Jaemin has apologized so many times about the kiss and then we became close friends. Just friends, I'd rather be with you because i only love you and i forgive you." After saying those words lucas smiled the biggest smile he's ever had on his face.

          Time skip

***lucas's pov***

After dinner y/n and i stayed at her place and things had gotten a bit heated in the bedroom.

"I love you." I said as me and y/n cuddled in her bed.

"I love you too lucas." She said turning to me and we kissed.


'i wish for every night with you in my arms' i thought and held y/n tight as i drifted off into a deep sleep.

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