social media

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social media

A place where you think everything and everyone is perfect, except for you of course. So you try to be just like everyone else, almost a stereotype, in hopes that everyone will like you? Or so that you like yourself? We use social media as almost a wall to hide who we really are, fearing to be judged by others. Ironically, they are going through the same thing.

social media

A place where you can have so many "followers" and "friends" yet feel so alone. With all the empty comments and likes that we use as approval, that mean nothing at the end of the day.

social media

A place where everyone and everything influences who you are, what you say, and what you believe in. Because you can't be different than everyone else or you won't be accepted. So you try to be just like this person you've never met before. You don't even know them, but you've already decided that's who you want to be.

social media

A place where there are fake people, fake news, and fake opinions. People hide behind a screen and tell you everything that's wrong with you, leaving them powerful and you broken. With a craving for attention and a click of a button, a rumor spreads like wildfire and you believe it. People using photoshop to make you believe they're something that they're not, but you want that something.

social media

A place where we should reach out to the people we don't usually talk to. Where we should listen to and respect everyone's opinions. Something we should use to express ourselves. A place that shouldn't tear us apart but bring us together.

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