Part 7

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March 2nd, 2018

After the Nashville, Tennessee show the boys had a day off but it was a press day so you were very busy with making sure they had many outfits ready. After a long night of traveling, you were glad to be able to wake up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You began to get ready for the day. You wore black jean with a red flannel and a leather jacket. You walked into the venue with a big smile on your face. When you first applied for this job you really only did it because it would be a good start for your career and it was practical. Now that you think back to that you were completely wrong. You know you've only had this job for a couple of days but it's been the time of you life. This could possibly be your dream job.

"Someone is very happy today," Zach said walking up to you.

"It's such a nice day out and having this job makes it even better." You could go on and on about how much you loved your job. It was also just one of those days were things where looking up.

"So do you like working as our stylist?" He asked in a curious tone.

"Yeah, I do. Not only do I get to choose your outfits but I'm also traveling. Oh, and let us not forget about the fact that I'm traveling with some of the cutest boys out there." You both started to laugh at your remark.

"We aren't boys we are men" Zach exclaimed in a "manly" voice. Both of you guys looked at each other and laughed once again. You guys began to walk to the wardrobe room. You two were talking the whole way. Once you did reach it, it was time to get to work.

"Well, I should get to work. I'll see you later" You waved to him as you turned to walk in.

"See ya later beautiful," Zach said and walked away.

[word count]: 340

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