Part 14

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A little after Eben told you Tyler was on his way. He gave you a quick hug and left. After Eben left you were left there in that hallway thinking about what Eben said. You still couldn't believe Tyler told Eben about you two. You just couldn't wrap your head around the idea. Tyler was always so paranoid about telling not telling anyone. He wanted to keep you a complete secret and you had to keep him a complete secret as well. 

You couldn't even tell your family about him because they could accidentally say something to people or post it on the internet by mistake. Everything you guys ever did was away from the public. You couldn't act like a normal couple. You went on dates either really early or really late not during the day. This was obviously not the way to have a relationship but you loved him. You had zoned out that you didn't notice Tyler walk up behind you.

"Boo!" Tyler screamed next to your ear. 

"Ahhhh! Tyler what the heck!" Your hand was near your heart. 

"Sorry, babe I couldn't help myself," Tyler said shrugging. You turn around so you could face him. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He then wrapped his arms around your waist. As he did that you looked down a bit ashamed at yourself. You looked up at him and he was smiling at you. You tried so hard to focus on him but your mind was somewhere else. 

All you could think about at that moment was the cute little moments you've been having with Jonah recently. Especially in this position that you and Tyler were currently in. You tried your hardest to forget about Jonah and those cute moments. You had a boyfriend who was just as caring and loving. You've had way more cute moments with Tyler. You slightly shook your head and focused on Tyler.

"What are you thinking about?" Tyler's question surprised you. 

You think about it for a second, "Us." 

"What about us?" He had a slight smile on his face.

You sigh, "I don't want to hide us anymore." You were being completely honest with him.

"You know we can't tell anyone," his grip on your waist slightly loosens. 

"More like you don't want to tell anyone," you whispered in a slight murmur. You let your hands drop to your side. You take a step back from him and he lets go of your waist.

"Come on Y/N we've talked about this." He tries to come close but you step back.

"No, we haven't. You talk and I listen. I basically have no say in this relationship and I think that should change." You took a small pause, "I don't want a secret relationship anymore."

[word count: 460]

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