favorite holiday

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Halloween hands down. You loved it because it was fun getting to dress up as something sexy or something scary. You mostly lean towards the scarier costumes but Patrick always persuades you to wear something sexy. Patrick on the other hand dresses as something scary and come to you for help with the make up part of it. 


The fourth of July. your favorite part about it was sitting in the park with Henry and watching the fire works go off. Henry will never admit this out loud but the first time you guys spent the fourth of July together he knew that you were the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 


Valentines day. He always manages to get his hands on your favorite flowers even if they are very expensive. You get him a new camo jacket because you refused to give him back his old one that he allowed you to borrow. He also gave you his cologne so you can spray it on his old jacket so it smells like him. Even though he gave you his cologne you still make him wear his old jacket and give it back to you because you say "its not the same if i just spray your cologne on it."


Christmas. You both shower each other in gifts. He buys you such expensive things and it makes you feel bad because you dont really have enough money to buy him really expensive things. one year he bought you a beautiful promise ring and you got him a photo album of you two together through out the years. He thought it was the best gift he ever received but you thought you could of did better. 

(a/n): Oof i know this was shit but i'm running out of ideas. I'm open to ideas so please send me some.

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