When your bald

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Request: @JessicaHilton7

Patrick beats up anyone that tries to hurt your feelings. He sometimes tries to picture with hair but he just can't see it. When you say you wanna buy a wig he immediately tells you "You don't need a wig. I think you're beautiful without it.". You love how he doesn't make fun of you and that he actually finds you beautiful.

You shave your head bald because for some reason your hair just gives you constant headaches and it itches all the time. Henry thinks you look beautiful like this. He really doesn't see anything wrong with you shaving your head bald. "I think you look amazing without hair sweet heart." He said. You're thankful that it doesn't bother him at all.

You were diagnosed with alopecia areata at super young age. You had to explain to Vic what it was because he was curious on why you couldn't grow hair. "So if understanding this correctly. Your immune system just attacks your hair follicles making it impossible to grow hair." He said. "Basically. My hair could possibly grow back but there's a chance it could fall out again." You explain. Vic was shocked at that statement and it made him want to learn more about it.

You donate your hair to charity. So you shave your head completely making you bald. Belch thinks it's amazing that you do that but he does miss your hair. "I'm gonna miss your hair." He said quietly. You let out a laugh. "Reg it'll grow back." You said to him laughing a bit.

A/n: sorry if this is shit. I ran out of ideas after Henry's but I tried.

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