Interesting Mixture

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Our filming of ghosts doesn't stop there.

We take a trip to D.C., the capital of the United States of America. Along the way, I talk to the woman who's helping me plan the wedding, as well as Meredith and Zak's mom, Nancy.

Well, how about blue gladiolus and orchids? I text, since talking on the phone would alert Zak to our secret girl plans.

Meredith sends a text saying, Sounds good to me. Nancy replies, A pink orchid would go wonderfully with the dark blue gladiolus.

I smile, waiting for Quinta, the planner, to say something. She does, sending, It would be an interesting mixture. Orchids symbolize beauty, mature charm, and love. Gladiolus symbolize remembrance and strength.

Meredith adds, They are also very pretty. Quinta says, True. I think it would be a good choice for centerpieces. What do you think?

I think it sounds good. Looking at these pictures, I can vividly imagine these flowers as the centerpieces. Saira?, Nancy says.

I can sense all three women waiting for me to answer. I look down at my sketchbook, where I had just drawn a picture of a delicate vase holding blue gladiolus and pink orchids. Behind it stretches a white pavilion, and beyond that is a field of green grasses.

The van runs over a pothole, sending my sketchbook flying off my lap.

A yelp rises in my throat, but is quickly swallowed as Aaron leans over in his seat to pick up the book, the page with my drawing still on it. Thankfully, my pencils are in my laptop bag, or they would've gone everywhere.

Aaron glances back at me, and heat rushes to my cheeks. He wordlessly hands the book back to me, being careful so that way Zak doesn't notice it.

I smile my thanks, and he grins back.

The book safely in my lap once more, I take a photo of the sketch and send it to the women.

After a bit of ooh and aahing, Quinta finally says that it looks good, and that she was happy with the idea of the two flowers.

I smile to myself, then glance up as I feel eyes on me. Zak's hazel eyes lock onto mine, and I can see that he's trying to figure out what I'm doing.

I grin at him, then deliberately close my sketchbook, effectively blocking him from looking at the picture.

He glares at me, wrinkling his nose, then turns around back into his seat.

Jay turns around to look at me, and whispers,"What are you trying to hide from Zak? You've been on your phone nonstop for almost the whole day. What are you doing?"

My smile widens, and I whisper back,"Planning his downfall with his sister and mom. And Quinta."

Jay mimics my smile, then turns back in his seat. Zak watches us, a suspicious look on his face.

I hide behind my phone, typing, Zak's on to me. Does the arrangement sound and look good to you, Quinta? You're the professional here.

It looks amazing. I envy your artistic talents, Saira. I'll leave you be to put this on file, then make some phone calls. I'll talk to you soon, she replies.

Nancy and Meredith leave the conversation as well, wishing me well on the next investigation.

I thank them, then have a thought.

This time I text Zak, and ask, Have you thought of a place for the wedding?

I see him take out his phone, and can faintly sense his astonishment and amusement.

Finally decided to talk to me, have you? And no, I haven't. I'm guessing you have, though.

I smile, and glance up, just in time to see the D.C. sign flash by.

Yeah. At my grandparents' house. It has plenty of huge fields. And a river. It would be perfect. And not very expensive, considering I technically own it, so we don't have to rent it out.

I sense Zak mulling it over, then see his reply pop up on my screen.

I'll think about it. And talk to Quinta. She has an eye for these kind of things, after all.

I smile, and glance up once more to see Zak grin back at me. His dark eyes glint with mischief, and I smirk at him.

Aaron explodes then, saying,"Will you guys please stop doing that? It is creepy as fuck! Just say what you're thinking, and be done with it. Everyone here knows that Saira is pregnant and you two are getting married! So just talk about that stuff openly instead of being all creepy and weird!"

Everyone immediately bursts into stomach-hurting laughter, even Aaron after a second.

Tears streaming from my eyes, I glance out the window. A house looms up, and Zak goes immediately quiet upon seeing it.

His energy crackles around the car, silencing us. The message is clear, if not slightly terrifying:

We're here.

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