To Tell The Truth

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We stop on the banks of the river that flows through the property.

We're silent for a time, each thinking our own thoughts. Finally, I break the silence by saying,"Do you remember the day Forest died?"

Chenelle turns to look ay me in shock, her blue eyes widening. I keep my gaze on the water, not chancing a look at her. Or else I'll start crying, and the story I need to tell will never leave my mouth.

"I was there. I saw him die." I give a bitter laugh. "I actually brought the pills that killed him. He asked me to, and I did it."

"Why?" Chenelle's question is whispered, barely a slight breeze.

I look over at her, and say, "Because he killed someone."

Chenelle's face turns white, and it seems that even her freckles turn paler.

"You need to know this, Chenelle. So, please, don't interrupt while I tell you the story. Or else it will never be told." I look my old friend in the eye as I say this, gauging her reaction. She nods slowly, so I take a deep breath before continuing.

"Before Forest died, I got attacked and almost raped. By Luke," I begin. Even saying his name brings the memory to my skin, but I shrug it off, preferring the repeated stabbing sword in my heart that telling Forest's story gives me.

"Forest was angry. He wanted to find Luke and kill him." I pause, gathering my thoughts.

Chebelle speaks, saying,"I knew he loved you, Saira. But Forest seemed to love me more. But he never lost the part of his heart that longed for you."

I nod, accepting this information that I already knew.

"But Luke was dead. He died in a drunken car crash. Anyways, Forest was beyond pissed. That night, he found me in my bathtub. My wrists were slashed, and I was crying. He helped me. Stopped the bleeding, bandaged me up. He told me that Luke didn't deserve my tears. Not now, not ever.

"A couple weeks after that, the four of us went to a bonfire party in the woods. You probably remember that much.

"You got drunk. Mikey, one of Luke's friends, took you to the woods, and tried to rape you.

"Forest followed him, and dragged him off of you. I followed, but I was helping you. Then, the gunshot resounded through the air. You started crying, but I knew exactly what had happened. It's happened before in my life. Twice, one of them being at a party similar to that one.

"I walked towards Forest, who was standingat the bank of a river. Mikey was dead at his feet, having been shot at point blank range in the chest.

"Forest turned towards me. My God, his face, Chenelle. I've seen that face reflected in the mirror.

"He was wondering how the gun had gotten into his hand. He was wondering whether he should turn it on himself next. It broke my heart to see him like that.

"We took everyone home immediately. We didn't want to stay in that place that would always remind us of death any longer."

I give another bitter laugh, though tears are streaking down my face as the images-the memory-of that night flash before my eyes.

"It wasn't the first time I've seen a dead body at a bonfire. Or heard a gunshot that no one else seemed to notice. But that's another story. One no one else will probably ecer hear.

"Anyways. A couple months later, Forest came into my room. He had seen all my scars. Every last one of them. He knew that I knew the urge, the want, to die.

"He asked me to gather all the pills I could, and to meet him at Adromeda's Bar. Stupidly, I did.

"When I got there, he said that Mikey's ghost had been haunting him. He couldn't take the pain any longer. His senses weren't as dulled by alcohol as yours had been. He remembered. Every last detail. You always remember your first murder.

"He asked me to give him the pills. I tried to stall him, convince him not to do it. But he took the pills from my pocket. He just opened the bottle and gulped them down.

"Do you want to know what I did next, Chenelle?" My voice takes on a hard edge, and edge sharpened by years of self-hate and fear and pain.

"I stood there. I fucking stood there, as my best friend dropped to the ground. I didn't call the cpps or nine-one-one. I just watched him die. Then I left without a word to anyone."

I look ovet at Chenelle, expecting to see hate and fury on her face and in her eyes. But, no.

Her face was the picture of misery, but her eyes held tears and understanding. She held out her arms to me, and I wrapepd my friend up in a hug, letting her cry on my bare shoulder.

Allowing her tears of sadness to run over the scars of the dead.

After a while, we walk back to the dance floor, our arms linked together like old times.

To tell the truth, that was probably the hardest thing I have ever done.

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