Procession of the Dead

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Zak's POV

I wake up when I hear crying.

My mind instantly flashes back to Kire Mansion, the day that Saira tried to kill herself.

I look around, afraid for Saira's life. She isn't beside me in bed, and that sends me into panic mode.

Jumping ouy of bed, I run into the hotel room bathroom, where Saira crouches on the floor, head in hands.

She looks up when I enter, her eyes red and puffy. No blood is on her arms, but my mind can't help but show an image of her bleeding and crying in the bathtub.

I drop to my knees beside her, and fold my arms around her body. She cries into my shirt, sobbing echoes of the pain she felt on the day of her family's death exactly fifteen years ago.

It takes a while before she's calm and controlled enough to talk.

She looks up at me with her big jade eyes, and sats weakly,"This is a horrible way to start a wedding day."

I laugh, and she smiles slightly. Pain still thrives in her eyes, but it has a weaker hold over her now. Her dreams are fading as reality takes control.

We stay wrapped up in each other's arms until a knock sounds on the door. I stand and walk over to open the door.

Aaron stands there, and seems to know without asking that Saira was crying. All of us know about her family and most of her past. But only I know that she's murdered people.

Aaron says,"Was just making sure you guys were up. The bride and groom shouldn't be late to their own wedding."

He grins, trying to make light of things. He seems to sense emotions as acutely as I do, but never says anything about it.

Saira walks up to stand beside me, smiling tiredly at Aaron. Her eyes are less puffy, but still slightly red around the edges.

I kiss her cheek as a way of goodbye, then walk out the door. I turn to grin back at her, but her eyes have a steely gleam in them that I've only seen when she talks to Luke or Chase.

I almost say something, but she shakes her head at me, her eyes returning to normal.

"I'll see you later. I promise," she says, staring me dead in the eye. The words are full of hidden meanings, and I accept all of them by simply nodding.

I walk away, Aaron beside me, trying to quell the feeling that something is terribly wrong.

Saira's POV

I watch Zak walk away, then usher Meredith and Ashley into my room. They had poked their heads out of their own rooms when Zak and Aaron walked away.

Meredith had already called Nancy to come help us with the dress and everything. While she made her way here, the other two would help me with makeup and hair.

Help. Me. Someone. Please.

It takes forever, to say the least. After everything is done and picture perfect, we leave, heading towards my grandparents' old property, where the wedding was taking place.

I ask Nancy to stop the car as we pass the cemetary in Sarcoxie. She glances back at me, but does as I request.

I climb out of the car, and walk until I reach my family's graves.

I don't kneel, but I bow my head. "I hope to see you all today. At least once. Please, just come. Even if you don't want to show yourselves to me, at least come. Let me know that you're there. Please."

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