The Energy of Our Hearts

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Zak casts glances at the house next to the one we're currently walking up to as we walk.

I know that he was originally born in D.C., but now I suspect that the house he was brought to as a baby is the one right next to us.

He apparently shakes off his nostalgia as he shakes the hands of the old couple standing in the doorway of the house.

He introduces us, and the couple smiles kindly at us as we file into the house.

As soon as I cross the threshold, I'm bombarded by the emotions of the spirits in the house. I lean against the doorframe to catch my breath for a moment.

The woman, Laurel, turns around, looking back at me through all the guys and cameras. Zak follows her gaze, and concern flashes in his eyes.

"What do you see, Saira?" he asks, and I see Jay's camera turn towards me. I shake my head, and say,"Nothing. I'm just feeling emotions right now. Sadness, pain, anger, sorrow. Something bad happened here. Something that was supposed to be happy."

The man, Samuel, looks shocked, and says,"I was just about to lead you to the room where a couple was murdered. On the night of their wedding."

Zak looks at Samuel, incredulous horror on his face. "Really? Two people were murdered in this house on their wedding night?" he asks.

Samuel nods, and Laurel says,"It was traumatic. The killer was never caught. Though it was ruled as a suicide. But we learned differently before you came here."

I can feel myself slipping as they talk. Slipping into the emotions of these people. Slipping into their memories.

Aaron's voice reaches my ears, as if from a long way away,"Saira, you don't look so good. Are you okay?"

I only have enough time to shake my head before my legs give out, causing me to fall to the ground, just barely inside the house.

I hear a commotion ahead of me, but my vision is going blurry. Pain is flashing across my wrists and head. God, my head. It feels like someone is repeatedly hitting me there with a jackhammer.

The commotion grows louder in my ears, and I try to tell them to quiet down, to stop so I can clear my head, but my tongue feels swollen, and won't move. I can feel myself slipping, slipping, slipping.

Aaron's POV

I ask Saira if she's okay. She shakes her head, then collapses to the floor.

I move to help her, but then Zak falls to the floor as well, clutching his head.

Everyone tries to move one way or another, towards Saira or Zak, but then I raise my voice and say,"Everyone, stop moving!"

They stop, and all turn to me, astonishment and fear flashing across their faces; I never raise my voice.

"Good. Good. Now, let's just get the spirit box out, and see if these spirits who may or may not be affecting Zak and Saira want to say anything," I say, as calmly as I can.

I reach into my vest pocket, and withdraw the spirit box and the speaker. I turn them on, and white static echoes around the small hallway.

"Are any spirits here with us?" I ask. Immediately, the spirit box says,"Yes," in a female voice.

"Yes!" I say, getting excited, even though the energy in this place has felt heavy and intense ever since I stepped over the threshold.

"Crystal clear," Billy mutters, and the rest of us nod.

I steady myself, then ask,"The spirit who just spoke: what is your name?" Almost before the last word is out of my mouth, the same voice says,"Diana."

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