They deserve it

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"If you leave your shoes out one more time Lou I swear to God I am going to evict you from my HOUSEHOLD." Harry's voice echoed around the corner before he himself bound out from behind the cream white wall leading to the kitchen.

Two converse all stars, also white, were lobbed through the apartment to land a foot in front of the smaller boy - who had a comical grin plastered across his face.

Harry stuck his hands on his hips and blew out a puff of air, strands of hair shooting up before sweeping across his face.

Harry and Louis had been dating what seems like forever but after years of nagging, Louis failed to follow Harry's rules.

Shifting his weight to each foot, Harry waited for Louis to say something, who sat on their leather sofa, the corners of his mouth twitching before the boy snorted and burst into laughter.

The bubbly sound filled the apartment, bouncing up and across the walls like an invisible hyper toddler, much alike Louis' personality.

Harry softened for a second before realising he was breaking into smile, he suppressed it and crossed his arms at the troublemaker.

It was difficult to stay serious around someone so childish.

Louis' contagious giggles disappeared as he lost air from his laughter, now wheezing as he slid down the back of the sofa and plonked on the floor in front of it. Bending up in a fit, he could feel a stitch coming.

Harry broke, his pretty noise meeting Louis' as his boyfriend gasped for air. Louis rolled round to his knees and pushed himself up, doubling up again as tears fell out of his eyes.

Harry didn't even know what the older one found funny but his laughter was contagious.

Trying to stop himself laughing reminded him of when he was younger and he would argue with Gemma, but he'd mess up a word in his rage and have to try control himself from breaking seriousness.

The curly haired boy couldn't help but feel incredibly happy, pausing for a second to take in his surroundings, wanting to remember this exact moment, seeing Louis happy.

He couldn't help but tear up, knowing this wouldn't last long, they didn't get many happy moments together as they weren't allowed to be together like a couple most of the time.

But Harry knew whatever he did had made Louis laugh and he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life making Louis this happy, even if they lived among abuse.

He shook his head away from management.

"Why are you laughing so much Lou?" Harry asked, scrunching his face up because his boyfriend still continued his beautiful happy sound.

"AhaAh - watch-hah - ing you try- y be serious, you're too i-innocent AhhhaHAhaA.." Louis stood up but bent backwards.

He rolled his eyes and neared Louis, bending down to reach his height and he pressed their foreheads together.

Louis's sea blue eyes flashed at Harry, the curly headed boy's knees weakening with love.

Louis had instantly stopped his laughter, dumbstruck by his boyfriend.

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