Sugar and spice and all things nice

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They drove for three and a half hours. It would've been a shorter journey but there was traffic and Louis also needed to pee twice. It was too risky to use a petrol station loo so they had to pull over by a bushy area - twice.

Harry and Louis sat in comfortable silence in the back, both boys looking out their windows whilst interlocking fingers.

Greg tapped out on the steering wheel to his indie songs and took a sharp left, continuing on the road until their eyes met a large white sign reading 'Saffron Walden' which had saffron plants dotted on it.

Harry thought it was aesthetic.

Since they had sat so still and so quiet for so long, Harry had gone into this tranquil state. He calmly watched the fields and countryside flow by, noting the forests and greenery and open space which was so weirdly comforting.

He loved the countryside, it was so wildly opposite from London where it felt nothing was a secret.

His eyes followed the power lines as they went up a hill and then down another into the small town, Saffron Walden.

Sarah had told Harry about this place before; she grew up here. He'd always fantasised about it when she'd tell him about her childhood. The little town was beautiful, there were little calming touches that made it that little bit more special; the fairy lights wrapped around the trees which had a wonderful vibe to it; the old houses on the skirts of the town but as you went further along you could see them modernising.

Harry longed for a normal life in that moment.

Greg drove through the town to the other side where they stopped outside a beautifully modernised barn house, white and black painted beams running up the side of the house and a thatched roof.

Greg said his goodbyes and the boys thanked him more than necessary but they were just trying to convey their gratitude for helping them out.

They waved Greg off as they stepped onto the white stoned path leading to the large front door. Louis's mouth was agape in awe; it was so simplistically gorgeous.

The front lawn was sprinkled with roses and daffodils, a large oak tree stood dominantly by the rustic fence running around the house. A little tire swing hung off of one of its thick branches.

"It's like a bloody fairy tale house!" Louis exclaimed, dropping his suitcase and leaping into Harry's arms. He kissed him on the cheek and swallowed back tears.

Harry kissed him back but this time on the lips, finger dragging across Louis's jawline. Harry slipped his tongue in and deepened the kiss.
Louis's hands fumbled carelessly on Harry's back, scrunching the jumper the curly haired boy had kept on between his fingers.

A man cleared his throat.

The boys broke away almost instantly, both with their hands behind their back -embarrassed - like they were children getting caught doing something bad by their teacher.

Harry fluffed his brown hair and dusted off imaginary dirt.

"You boys haven't seen each other in years or something?" The man looked like he was in his early twenties too, he walked a dog who sat very patiently at his feet. Harry couldn't help but smile.

Two Ghosts // l.sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें