Ten years on - bonus chapter

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"NIALLLLLLLLL" Darcy yelled down the hall of her home, calling out to both her fathers' best friend.

Darcy was sat on the edge of her bed, trying to figure out a maths question. She sighed and threw the book across the room.

Maths was her weakest subject and usually her dads, mostly Louis, would help her understand it.

However, Louis and Harry were away in Barbados for their anniversary. And.. Niall was babysitting her.

Not that a sixteen year old girl needed babysitting, it was more or less Darcy babysitting Niall.

Darcy launched herself off the bed, annoyed.

She scuffed her black vans across the wooden floor as she stood by the open door to the living room. Darcy went to knock to make sure Niall wasn't doing something dodgy, unfortunately something she'd experienced before.

She grimaced as her eyes let upon tomato splotches and crumbs on the cream carpet and her mind went straight to Harry yelling at her.

Darcy shook away the thought and stood lightly into the living room, noticing Niall upon the couch with a pizza box rested on his stomach, feet kicked up onto the sofa. He was lying across it, eyes trained on the tv screen in front of him.

She sighed and slapped the top of his head teasingly.

"Oi wha was that furrr?" He yelled, mouth spraying crumbs of pizza dough everywhere. Darcy watched them fall, unimpressed.

"I can't do my maths."

Niall sat up and put the pizza down, wiping away the tomato lipstick around his face.

"And.... you want me to help?"

Darcy nodded, shifting weight to either foot.

He stood up and nodded towards the wooden floor leading back towards Darcy's room.

"Only if you race me" he grinned, eyes glinting with the child inside of him.

Darcy kicked off her vans and stood in line with Niall on the wood. Scooting forward and backward.

"Aighht girlie, 3...2..1.."

Darcy yelled go and they both shot off, sliding on the wood floor, uncontrollable laughter as Niall failed to stop by Darcy's door and went SMACK! BAM! into the wall at the end of the corridor.

Darcy doubled up in laughter, clutching her stomach as Niall grumbled, limping to her room.

"Remind me not to slide down the hall with you in socks as slippy as these."

"You're basically just one big child aren't you" Darcy giggled, throwing her maths book at Niall.

Niall laughed at her and opened the book to simultaneous equations.

"Ew" he threw the book to the side, pretending to wipe off germs.

"I know" Darcy moaned, flopping flat onto her back on her bed, smoothing out her duvet with her hands.

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