Let's run away

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Harry bubbled in a raging anger, fumes practically blowing from his ears.



Harry hadn't read it yet it but he grasped the phone as if he were to crush it, eyes skimming over the flustered hate.

He sucked in a breath before reading.


Louis. I have no idea what the bloody hell you thought you were doing or what you were trying to achieve. You and your sickening homosexual disease caused this. Your 'boyfriend' is to blame, ever since the beginning you've been tied around Harry; we've done our best to get you therapy; to show you that straight is the only way to be successful and that you shouldn't EVER out yourself. What you have done is going to cause a riot. I hope you and your boyfriend are happy.

Harry's fists balled by his side as he placed the phone, almost ironically careful considering the anger he felt, onto the coffee table.

Management always felt like they needed to get in their fucking business.

Louis sniffed and wiped under his eyes before holding Harry around his stomach, pressing himself back into his chest.

"Harry we've dealt with this for eight fucking years, I can't do this any longer."
Louis voice broke and he choked on his tears that streamed down his blotched red cheeks.

Where he had wiped them seconds ago, replaced new salty tears.

He gripped at Harry's sides, not realising how he was holding onto Harry - quite literally - for dear life.

Louis would be dead without Harry.

Harry and Louis, Louis and Harry.

They just fit, they are soulmates. Louis without Harry would be like an ocean without land or a forest without trees or a key without a lock.

Louis loved his boyfriend more than he could ever express, but he knew Harry understood.

"They'll blow over soon, when it's died down a little." Harry said, but not so convinced himself. He furrowed his eyebrows, staring into nothingness, cupping the back of Louis's head.

The two boys stood for a long time, rocking gently to nothing. Barely speaking, bar the occasional muffles.

Harry carried Louis to their bedroom and laid him down gently. He changed into his pyjamas while Louis lay motionless, emotionless on top of the sheets.

Once finished, he walked to the older boy and pushed his hair off of his sweaty forehead and kissed him lightly. Harry's heart shattered seeing Louis like this, blankly staring because he couldn't cope.

It reminded Harry of watching his mum when he was too little to fully comprehend what she was going through at the time of the divorce.

He just remembered peaking around the door frame in his little Spider-Man pyjamas to see her swishing the wine around in the glass before drinking it all at once. Harry hadn't understood why she went all lifeless.

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