Chapter Four

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I looked down at the beauty that was laying on my chest. Her small, quiet snores left her body every few seconds. I gently kissed her forehead before slipping out of bed and getting into the shower. A cold one might I add. Let's just say when you have a beauty like that lying on you and moving her perfect ass every couple of minuets it doesn't help your friend out very much.

I showered and when I walked out into my bedroom she was sitting up in the bed rubbing her eyes. When she me she froze and immediately jumped out of bed.

"Calm down Mi Amor" I said walking into my closet.

"Go and shower, I'll get you some clothes and when your ready go downstairs and find the kitchen, I'll be waiting for you" I said kissing her forehead and making my way downstairs.


I watched as he walked out of the room wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and was greeted with my mid length blonde hair in all directions. I wish I was like them girls that got out of bed and there hair was amazing. I did have nice natural hair but my natural hair and morning hair are nothing alike.

I got into the shower and the there was only one shower gel to use. I smelled it and Leo instantly came to mind. I washed my body with it and then used his shampoo and conditioner to wash my hair. I got out of the shower and wrapped a white fluffy towel around me. I walked back into the bedroom and on the bed laid some clothes, a pair of denim jeans, a plain white bodysuit, underwear, a Gucci belt, some jewellery and a grey fluffy jacket.

I put on the outfit and damn did I look good. I've always dreamed of having a Gucci belt but every time I attempted to save for one I ended up spending it on either Netflix or junk food.

I walked down the stairs very carefully so that they wouldn't make a noise. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I could hear talking coming from one of the corridors. I walked down it and as I did someone dressed in a maid outfit walked passed me. She looked me up and down and then scoffed.

"At least I don't look like a fake, stuck up bitch" I snapped at her and carried on walking and she stomped off the other way. I carried on my adventure of finding the kitchen and eventually I did. As soon as I walked in everyone looked up at me and I blushed a deep red.

"You choose a good one there Leo" a girl that was sitting at the kitchen island said. There was also four men including Leo staring at me. I looked everywhere but in there direction.

"Shut up Carina" Leo said to the girl. I love her name.

"Bella meet my youngest sibling Carina who is nineteen, then my youngest brother, Antonio who is twenty one, then Lorenzo who is twenty three, then Matteo who is twenty five and then I'm the eldest" Leo said pointing to each one as he said there names.

"And is my idiotic brothers don't take there fucking eyes off of you, I'll blow there fucking brains out" he said. He's like a teenage girl, I swear. His mood changes every minute.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Isabella Rossellini but you can call me Bella" I said shaking each of there hands but when I got to Carina she pulled me into a hug.

"It's like I finally have a sister" she said and then pulled away. Me and Carina spoke while we were eating breakfast and we had so much in common. I kind of forgot that I was still basically kidnapped. I mean when your kidnapped aren't you supposed to be kept in a basement for a few days and then you get saved by the police.

Well I guess I got lucky.

"Bella after your finished we need to talk" Leo said sternly. I mean come on, you see what I mean a few minutes ago he was laughing with me and Carina and now he's all moody.

I don't understand.


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