Chapter Seven

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I was about ready to drop. My arms were killing me. Let's just say Carina loves to shop. I literally have about eighty bags. No I'm not exaggerating, I've got about ten on each of my arms and the the rest the guards have been constant taking back to the car.

"Carina can we finally leave now?" I whined.

"Yes I suppose come on then" she said walking off, seriously how is she walking that fast in about two minutes I'm going to be crawling to the car.

"Hurry up slow coach" she yelled while laughing at me. We walked out of the mall and I was shocked. It was pitch black. How long have we been in there? Leo is going to kill us.

"Shit it's Leo" Carina said pulling out her phone that was ringing. I seriously need to buy a phone.

"Ok ok calm down, we're coming back now" she said.

"Come on we need to get back fast, he's actually going to kill me" she said panicking. On the ride home neither of us spoke. As much as Carina tried to hide it, I knew she was as exhausted as I was.

"Tomorrow I'm doing nothing, the only time I'm moving is for the bathroom, food or to change one of the many movies I'll be watching" she said and I laughed.

"I think I'll join you on that" I said. We got back about five minutes later and Leo, Matteo, Lorenzo and Antonio were all stud outside with there arms crossed.

"Heyyy, so er.... yeah I'm going to bed, love you" Carina shouted running off into the house.

"Well thanks Carina" I shouted and the boys chuckled.

"Oh my god what is that?" I yelled pointing to where all of there cars were, they all turned around and pulled out there guns. But just as they realised I was lying they all turned around but I was already running inside the house.

"She's a sneaky brother" I heard Lorenzo say as I was running upstairs. When I reached the bedroom I went and got straight into the shower. About half way through I thought I heard the bathroom door open but I just brushed it off.

"Nice view" I heard someone from behind say.

"Oh my god Leo, get the fuck out of here" I yelled and stayed facing the other way.

"Ok ok calm down woman" he said walking out. If I had turned around then he would have saw everything. I put on my Calvin Klein pants and sports bra. I wasn't going to buy them but one of the guards called Leo saying I wasn't buying much so Leo told him to buy anything I even looked at. I was going to put something over the top but I was way too hot for that.

When I got back into the bedroom I was faced with Leo lying on the covers on his laptop most likely doing some sort of work. I stood at the end of the bed not knowing what to do.

"Are you getting in or are you sleeping standing up?" He said.

"If I have a choice I'll sleep in a guest bedroom" I said staring to walk out of the room. But I was stopped when I was threw over a shoulder.

"What are you doing! Put me down" I yelled but he ignored me and placed me gently down in bed but not before slapping my ass.

"Really?" I said.

"Yes really" he said winking.


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