Chapter Eleven

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We stayed at my parents house for a few more hours just talking about anything and everything.

"Bella we need to get home" Leo said standing up pulling me up with him.

"Home?" My Mom questioned.

"Yes I'm living with Leo now, shit I need to sell my apartment" I said, I completely forgot about it.

"Language" my dad said sternly. We said our goodbyes and I told Selena I'd text her about coming over to Leo's mansion. My brothers also wanted to come over and meet Leo's brothers, they could lie all they want about saying they don't like Leo but secretly I know they do. I mean I think they just want to get there hands on a gun and shoot something.

On the way back to the house all I remember is Leo making me sit on his lap and then me falling to sleep a few minutes later. I sure do like to sleep.

"Mi Amor, we are home come on" Leo said getting out the car and I just stuck my hands out for him to carry me. He chuckled but then picked my up but not before slapping my arse.

"So I'm your girlfriend?" I said as he walked up the stairs.

"Yes you are, you have been since day one" he whispered and trailed kisses up my neck. I moved my head so he had better access and let out moans every so often. His hands tried down my back and stopped when they were comfortably on my ass. My back hit the bed and he crawled on top of me and once again started attacking my neck, leaving his marks all over.

Before anything else could happen he pulled away and stood at the end of the bed frame.

"Why did you stop?" I groaned.

"Because if we go any further I wouldn't be able to stop myself and I'm saving the first time we have sex for our honeymoon" he said unbuttoning his shirt.

"Eager aren't we? Who said I was marrying you" I said.

"Me, that's who" he said pecking my lips and then walking into his closet.  

"Do you want to go downstairs and watch a movie? All my brothers are and so is Carina" Leo said walking out in his black T-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"Yes ok, let me change" I said walking into the closet with him following closely behind.

"Your such a pervert" I said while giggling as he sat down and watched me get undressed. He just smirked at me in return and raised his eyebrows. I put on some khaki leggings and a matching sports bra which had a waistband with the word 'lounge' around it and then put one of Leo's hoodies over the top.

"You look good in my clothes" he said pecking my lips again.


"What?" He said placing his hands on my hips

"Can I have a piggy back ride" I said giggling and he just looked at me questioning if I was being serious.

"No I'm too old for that but I can carry you" he said and then picked me up.

"Too old? Are you joking? Your only twenty seven! And look at these guns" I said gesturing towards his biceps.

"I know, there good aren't they" he said and then flexed one arm. Fuck me. Literally.

"Just go downstairs" I said and he did just that.

"Look here comes the love birds" Carina yelled causing everyone to look our way.
"Very funny" Leo said sarcastically.

"Lighten up big bro" she said.

"I hate that word, 'Bro'" Leo said and she she let out a sigh in frustration. To be fair on Carina he always has to have the last say.

"Carina what are we watching?" Matteo asked sitting down and getting comfy.

"Mean girls" she said and high five me. Lorenzo got a pillow and put his face in it, Leo got out his phone and Antonio Well was just being Antonio.

"Room for three little ones?" Someone shouted from the front door and in walked my brothers and Selena.

"What you guys doing here?" I asked puzzled.

"Oh thanks, what a nice welcome" Luis joked.

"Sorry I'm just confused on how your here" I said.

"Leo invited us to stay tonight" Selena said getting comfy on the other end of the couch that we were on.

"Really?" I asked looking up at him because I was sitting side ways on his lap.

"Yes I know you haven't had much time to spend with them so I invited them for you" he said and I pecked his lips lovingly.

"Thank you" I said and he nodded. I looked to my left and Selena and Carina were already in were already in deep conversation and so were Leo's brothers and mine. I pressed play on the remote and might as well watched the film alone considering everyone else was busy doing something.

I pulled Leo's phone out of his hands and he looked at me confused. I pressed on the camera icon and started taking selfies with him in the background just staring at me.

"Just smile, just once" I said begging him but he still didn't listen, so I made my eyes go into puppy dog eyes and stuck out my bottom lip as if I was going to cry. Which made him immediately let out a small smirk.

I do love this man.


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