aftermath - the second year

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"life is how it is."


Gorgina Cross P.O.V

"Gorgina." Gorgina looks up from her spot on the bed, watching her husband get ready to work as guard. They haven't spoken to each other since their last fight, scared of what the other person will think of their thoughts and if they'll accept.

"Malcolm." Gorgina acknowledge him, putting her diary to the side.

"We can't keep doing this. Fighting and ignoring until one of us forgets it." Malcolm starts and Gorgina gets it but he stubborn self can't look ahead from what she stands for.

"I forgot it." Gorgina shrugs her shoulders, picking her diary she placed beside her earlier, trying to give her husband hardly any of the attention he was seeking.

"Please. I can't keep doing this everyday. I can't-" Gorgina cuts him off before Malcolm can say anything that he'll regret and she wouldn't be able to forget.

"Yet here we are." Those words rolled off her tongue meaner than she expected them to be. She didn't mean to offend him. "Then we'll get divorced." And with that Malcolm turns around, heading for the door.

He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to leave her. Those years they spent together made both of them realize how awful it was to feel alone. How people need other people. Gorgina wasn't one to function by herself and Malcolm knew it. Him leaving would make it even worse than the fights they've been having lately.

"Fine." She was just like Malcolm, not wanting him to leave her but this is what she did. Everyone she liked turned against her or just left, and even if she didn't she'd think it was her fault. It was an ending cycle.

Malcolm glances back once again before leaving the room. Gorgina lets out a shaky breath, picking up her pencil and writing down what just happened. But Malcolm stayed in front of the door, his back pressed against the door, waiting for her to come looking for him.

The door opens and in walk Clarke with Madi by her side, Gorgina wanting it to be Malcolm. He and Heather were the only people she had left apart from Clarke and Madi.

"Everything okay?" Clarke asks as she and Madi find comfortable places to sit or lay down. Clarke sits on the desk chair while Madi lays on the spot beside Gorgina on the bed.

"Yeah." Gorgina looks down at her diary, hooping Clarke wouldn't be able to read her.

Gorgina moves the page to the second year she spent locked in there.

"I'm ready!" Madi calls out from beside Gorgina, finally looking up at her.

She looked up to her, even it Gorgina was broken, she stood for what she believes even if it meant misery.


I let out a cough as I sit in Heather's office for a checkup. "I think you'll be fine." She says as she checks her notes once again.

"Alright." I pull away from her, checking my watch.

"Don't worry. Malcolm is doing me the favor to make sure everything goes alright-" Before Heather can finish her sentence, Malcolm comes running in.

"They're talking about abolishing you." He finally lets us know after catching his breath. "Aren't I Queen?" I point out.

"They said since you weren't born here..." Malcolm explains and it makes a bit on sense but what the hell do they expect to happen when I'm gone? Let a ten year old rule?

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