Secret Relationships

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*Jorge pulls Tini into his room and kisses her back*

Jorge -I have wanted to do this for a long time too. I have to tell you that I really like you and I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?

Tini-Of course but maybe we should wait a bit before telling everyone.

Jorge-Yep I understand especially Mercedes.

Tini-She is just looking out for me and I don't always realise how protective of me she is.

Jorge-I understand. She really cares about you like a sister.

Tini-Yes and I should really apologise to her.

Jorge-So will I see you on set tomorrow?


*They lean in to kiss each other but the door opens revealing a drunk Nicolas,Ruggero and Facundo.*

Jorge -Thanks for letting me borrow your script Tini.

Tini-No problem Jorge.

Ruggero-That club was AWESOME!

Facundo-I probably should'nt have had all those vodkas...

Tini-Cande is going to kill yoou! Come on Facundo you won't be able walk back to room so I will walk you to Cande's room to make sure that you have somewhere to sleep for the  night .See you Jorge!

*Facundo and Tini leave*

Ruggero-What was happening between you and Tini?



Tini-Here is the room

*Tini knocks*

Cande-Hey Tini its so late what is it?


Cande-Hey are you drunk?!

Facundo-I am sorry babe.

Cande-Thanks Tini get in here Facundo and be quiet incase you wake Lodo.

*Tini walks back to her room and finds Mechi sitting on her bed staring blankly at the tv*

Mechi-Tini you are back!

*Mechi runs to hug her and Tini accepts the hug*

I am so so so sorry. I should'nt have spoken to you like that.

Tini-Mechi calm down I am not angry anymore. I just want us to forget about the fight ok?

Mechi-ok sure. Are you ok?

Tini-*Smiles* I am great!

Behind the Scenes (Jortini)Where stories live. Discover now