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(The Next Day)

*Everyone is hanging out in the leisure room together*

Stephie-Hey guys, Jorge and I have some big news.

Jorge-Stephie let's tell them another time.

Stephie-I am pregnant!

*Peter walks in*

Peter-Congrats Stephie.


Tini-Hey what are you doing here?

Peter-Just wanted to see you.

Cande-Are you sure that it is Jorge's?

*Everyone laughs while Stephie looks angry*

Stephie-Of course.

Mechi-Peter just leave before I throw you out.

Tini-Mechi leave him alone. He is welcome here.


Tini-Peter and I have made up

Jorge-What? You are seriously dating him again?

Tini-It's none of your business.

*Tini walks out and Jorge follows her*


*Tini ignores him and continues walking but he holds her arm*

Tini-Ow get off me!

Jorge-Then talk to me.

Tini-Fine but not out here.

*Tini unlocks her dressing room door and they both go in*

Tini-What is it?

Jorge-Peter? Seriously? He cheated on you.

Tini-Stephie cheated on you and you are marrying her.

Jorge-She changed and it was only because I neglected her all the time.

Tini-How do you know that Peter hasn't?

Jorge-Tini don't be stupid! Guys like that never change!

Tini-It's none of you business who I choose to date.

Jorge-Is he your boyfriend?

*Peter walks in*

Peter-Yes now can you leave my girlfriend and I alone?


*Jorge leaves*

Tini-Thanks for saving me.

Peter-No problem. So do you want to go for dinner tonight?

Tini-Peter you do know that we are not really dating right?

Peter-Yeah I mean as a friend thing to catch up.

Tini-Oh then sure.

*She looks at her phone*

Tini-It's Mechi so I should go.

Peter-Yeah sure see you tonight.

*Tini leaves*


-------Phone Conversation--------

Stephie-Did she agree to go out on a date with you?

Peter-She said that it wasn't a date. She just wants to be friends and I am trying to get her to date me but it's hard.

Stephie-Try harder! Honestly! Whatever I have a plan.

------Phone Conversation------

*Stephie walks back into the leisure room holding a magazine*

Stephie-Hey look who is on the cover?

*Stephie puts the magazine on the table and everyone picks it up and reads it*

All-Tini and Peter? Hugging?

Stephie-She might have not confirmed it but this magazine does. Don't they make a cute couple?

All Except Jorge-Shut up!

Stephie-Excuse me?! Jorge are you going to let them talk to me like that?!

Jorge-They are really together? Why wouldn't she tell me?


Jorge-I will see you back at home.

*Jorge kisses Stephie on the cheek and leaves*

Stephie-Urrrgh.Listen you don't like me and I don't like you. However Jorge is important to me and you so we should get along.

Lodo-You hurt Jorge and you will do it again so why should we get along with you?

Stephie-Aww Lodovica......You just don't get it. As soon as I marry Jorge, I own him. So no more hanging out with him or calling or meeting up. I will make him miserable and that is your decision. So would you rather get along with me or make Jorge's life hell?

Cande-You are despicable.


*Stephie walks out and walks into Peter*

Peter-I am glad that I found you.

Stephie-You can't talk to me here. We are meant to act as if we don't care about each other remember?

Peter-Yes but how did the plan go?

Stephie-Great they all think that you and Tini are dating. Also I think that they will be a lot nicer to me from now on so that will make the plan easier.


Stephie-Now go before someone sees us together.

Jorge-Why are you talking to him Stephie?

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