Say The Word....

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Jorge-Are you ok Tini?

Tini-Well to be honest....*Stephie walks into the room* I completely understand I hope that you all have a good time. Mechi we need to go on set to film.

Mechi-Ok sure.

*Tini and Mechi leave the room*

Mechi-What was that? You saying that you are ok with not going when you are not. Also I don't think that we are meant to shoot our scenes yet.

Tini-I know but it was the easiest way to leave the room I guess...I saw Stephie and felt bad you know? I let Jorge go and I guess that I am struggling to cope with my decision. I don't want to hurt him again but I can't stand seeing him with her.

Mechi-You have to tell him.

Tini-She's having his baby Mechi. I can't do that.

Mechi-Listen let's talk at home but I think that I left my phone in your dressing room can you go look for me?


*Tini goes in her dressing room tearing the room apart looking for Mechi's phone*


Tini-It's open!


Tini-He what's up ?

Jorge-Are you really ok with not coming?

Tini-Totally. To be honest I wasn't planning on going until you asked me so I am fine.

Jorge-I am sorry that Stephie invited everyone else.

Tini-Like I said I will do something else that day.

Jorge-Like go out with Peter?

Tini-Jorge stop this! I don't like Peter like that.

Jorge-I thought that he was your boyfriend.

Tini-Boyfriend? We have just been hanging out a lot.

Jorge-I am glad because I couldn't stand seeing you with him.

Tini-I can't stand seeing you with her.

*Jorge kisses Tini*

Tini-What are you doing?

Jorge-Just say the word and I won't marry her....

Behind the Scenes (Jortini)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora