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(A/N Hey guys. I know that I said I wouldn't be updating because I had no Wi-Fi but I found some. So hopefully I will still be updating but I am not exactly sure when but because I am usually out sightseeing all day I will be updating at night.)

Director-CUT!Great scene girls!

Mechi-So what's happening with you and Jorge?

Tini-We are friends and nothing more ok?

Mechi-Whatever you say....

*Mechi walks off and Tini goes into her dressing room where she finds Jorge inside sitting on her couch*

Tini-Jorge? How did you get in? The door was locked. What is.....?

*Tini is interrupted by Jorge kissing her passionately on the lips and she kisses him back for a few minutes before she pulls away*


Tini-Jorge! We can't do this. We are friends and you are marrying Stephie.

Jorge-I don't have to.


Jorge-I could break up with her and we could be together again.

Tini- Jorge....

Jorge-I love you and you love me so we should just be together.

Tini-Not like this.

Jorge-I could end it with her right now with no regrets.Tini do you love me?

Tini-I do but..

Jorge-But nothing. I am finding Stephie now and ending it with her.

*Jorge and Tini kiss again unaware that Stephie is hearing the whole thing outside the door*

Stephie-Break up with me for her? That is NOT happening!

*Jorge comes outside and sees Stephie*

Jorge-Stephie? Wait were you eavesdropping?

Stephie-No Nicolas said that you would be here.

Jorge-Oh well I was looking for you. We need to talk.

Stephie-Oh right I need to say something too. Can I go first?

Jorge-Mine is really important can I instead?

Stephie-Trust me mine is more important.

Jorge-Ok go first.

Stephie-Ok I don't know where to begin. Lately I have been feeling really nauseous all the time and I feel like I can't get a hold of my emotions and I was kinda scared so I went to see the doctor.

Jorge-Are you ok?

Stephie-I'm great. We are having a baby!

*Stephie gives Jorge a tight hug and as Tini quietly opens her door and watches sadly, Stephie smirks at her*

Behind the Scenes (Jortini)Where stories live. Discover now