What The Hell?

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Ruggero-They are at that paella place!

Mechi-Yes but this is Spain. There is probably a paella shop on every corner!

Ruggero-Not around here. There is only one. Lets go.

(Time Jump)

Ruggero-Hurry up!

Mechi-It's hard to run in heels!

*They reach the restaurant and Ruggero breaks down the door and they see Tini&Jorge lying unconcious on the floor*

Mechi-What the hell is happening here?

Waitress-Oh my gosh! Mechi Lambre! And you that italian guy!

Mechi-Can it crazy. Tini? What did you do?

Waitress-They got annoying so I made them take a nap.

Rugg-Let them go.

Waitress-No! Now can i have an autograph?


Mechi-Let them go now!

Waitress-Make me!

Mechi-Oh I will!

*Mechi lunges at the Waitress and Ruggero pulls her back*

Mechi-What did you do that for?

Rugg-That won't help. Do you want money or something?


Rugg-Then what do you want?

Waitress-I don't know.This all got out of hand.

*Tini&Jorge wake up and stand up*

Waitress-I am sorry.

Tini-Ah! Get away from me!

Waitress-I didn't mean to hurt you and your boyfriend.


Tini-About that...

*Mechi walks over to Tini, holds her hands and they both squeal*

Mechi-Oh I am so happy for you!

Tini-Aww Mechi...

Rugg&Jorge-Not the time!


Waitress-If I apologise will you not call the police?


Rugg-About that...


Rugg-I was kinda scared so I called the cops.....


*The police bust in threw the windows*

Policeman-You have to come with us Miss.

Waitress-You are making a mistake!

Policewoman-No we aren't!

*They take the waitress and leave and the four of them go back to the hotel*

Tini-Hey Jorge and I are going to get some food in the restaurant. Coming?

Mechi-Not hungry.

*Jorge&Tini leave*

Mechi-I should go to my room.

Rugg-I will walk you.

*They walk to the room*

Mechi-Wanna come inside?


*They go inside and sit on the couch*

Mechi-Thanks for today.

Rugg-No problem.

Mechi-Tell me something.


Mechi-Do you like me?


*Mechi leans in to kiss him and......*

Sorry guys but I LOVE writing cliffhangers! Will Ruggero kiss her back? You will have to read and see!

Bye For Now

Sabrina xoxo

Behind the Scenes (Jortini)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن