I Am Sorry

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*Tini&Mechi walk onto set looking upset*

*Jorge and Ruggero walk up to them and since Tini looks the most upset Jorge puts his arm around her*

Jorge-Hey what's wrong?

Tini-We need to talk Jorge.

*Tini and Jorge walk into her dressing room and Tini shuts the door*

Tini-Ok well you know how much I like you right?

Jorge-Yes why?

Tini-Jorge, my Dad offered me a movie deal.

Jorge-That is great. Why don't you look happy?

Tini-It's filming in Hollywood and I will have to be there for a year.

Jorge-Wow that is a long time but we will make it work.

Tini-There was a condition to me getting to be in the film...

Jorge-What is it?

Tini-I can't date you anymore...

Jorge-What? Does your Dad hate me that much?

Tini-Well it's not that it's that he wants me to date my co-star because it will be better publicity for the movie and also being in a English speaking movie would be amazing for my career.

Jorge-So what are you going to do?

Tini-I kinda already gave him an answer...

*Jorge hugs her and she looks surprised*

Jorge-That must have been hard turning that role down...

*Tini walks away and Jorge looks confused*

Tini-Yeah but I don't know how that would feel since I didn't.....

Jorge-What? Did you accept before you heard the terms?

Tini-No I listened to what he had to say and I accepted.

Jorge-So you don't want to be with me anymore?

Tini-Of course I do! But this is huge!

Jorge-So you choose a film over me?

Tini-Maybe when I get back we could...

Jorge-No we can't.


Jorge-No if you end it now then it's over. I won't wait for you.

Tini-I am sorry.

*Tini walks out*

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