Meet The Parents

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(At Tini's Parents House)

Mariana-Dinner is ready!

Tini-Thanks Mom.

*Everyone sits at the table*

Alejandro-So I understand that you have recently been dating my daughter?

Jorge-Yes sir.

Alejandro-And you didn't think it was appropriate to tell my wife and I straight away?


Jorge-Well calls from Spain to Argentina are very expensive and I can't afford that...

Alejandro-Well I think that we should have been informed. So how are we going to reveal this to the press?

Tini-We? That's for me and Jorge to decide.

Alejandro-Well Tini , I am in show business and my career is very important so I don't want this to be revealed in a bad way that might hurt my career.

Tini-Dad you just don't understand. I am not just Alejandro Stoessel's daughter anymore. I am Martina Stoessel and I have made a name for myself . When are you going to understand that?

Alejandro-I have but you are not an adult so until then I will make decisions for you.

Francisco-Cheer up sis. Being an adult isn't that cool.

Tini-Whatever you don't understand you are not famous.

Francisco-I am a model.

Tini-How is that going? Had a job lately?

Mariana-Tini apologise now.

Tini-Francisco I am sorry....that you can't get a job.


Tini-What? We are all thinking it!

Alejandro-This dinner is over! Martina show Jorge out.

*Tini walks Jorge to the door*

Jorge-That was tense.


Jorge-Don't worry about it.

*Jorge leans in to kiss Tini but he sees her dad so he just hugs her and leaves*

Alejandro-We need to talk Martina.

Tini-Can't. I need to go back to my apartment.

Alejandro-You can go sleep in your old room.

Tini-But I have work tomorrow!

Alejandro-I don't like you driving this late. Upstairs now.

*Tini groans and goes upstairs,locks her door and calls Mechi*

Mechi-Hey where are you? You are missing Pretty Little Liars!

Tini-I know but my parents are making me stay here over night! Save me!

Mechi-But I wanna watch!

Tini-I will record it on my tv .


Tini-Bring me some clothes!

*Tini hangs up*

(30 Minutes later)


*Alejandro opens the door*

Alejandro-Mercedes? What brings you by?

Mechi-My room mate. She invited me to spend the night. I will be upstairs.

Alejandro-Hold on. I don't want Martina to have company. She is on punishment.

Mechi-Oh sorry I forgot that she is 5 years old!

Alejandro-Was that attitude?

Mechi-She is turning 18 soon and she already moved out. What more do you need?

Alejandro-Fine go up

*Mechi goes up and sits on Tini's couch*

Mechi-Wow you Dad is a piece of work.

Tini-Don't I know it.

*Mechi&Tini laugh*

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