I Don't Believe You...

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Director-CUT! Amazing scene you two!

Tini-Jorge can we talk alone?

Jorge-Tini if you are going to break my heart again then...

Tini-No it's very important.

*Tini and Jorge go into the leisure room that was empty*

Tini-Stephie has been playing you.

Jorge-What? I don't get it..

Tini-Stephie and Peter never broke up and she is going to steal your money so they can run away together.

Jorge-Tini you are making no sense.

Tini-She faked the pregnancy Jorge. So we can be together.

*Tini goes in to hug Jorge but he steps away*

Tini-I don't understand..

Jorge-I understand if you don't want to be with me but don't try and ruin my relationship with Stephie because you are jealous.

Tini-Are you listening to yourself?! She faked a pregnancy!

Jorge-I-I don't believe you.

Tini-Do you really think that I would like to your face like that? What kind of person do you think I am?!

Jorge-After this I have no idea.

Tini-I have proof!

Jorge-I don't want to hear it.

Tini-Fine marry her but when she bankrupts you , I will just laugh.

*Tini walks out and feels guilty about what she just said*

Mechi-Hey are you ok?

Tini-Nope I'm horrible....

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