Part 18 ✽Gloriosa✽

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"Why did you come back, Betty?" asked Alice while the manager complained, "You know it took more than a week to get that pepper spray out of my eyes." Pixie looked down at her phone checking her texts with Sweet Pea. "Well maybe next time don't attack my brother with a box cutter," said Betty and Alice put a hand on her trying to hold her back. "It's all here, nice work." said Darla and Alice reasoned "Okay well, you have your money, now go." This is what everyone feared and now it was happening. "What are you talking about? I just got here." said the manager and Darla answered "Yeah and Riverdale is so much nicer than Centerville and this house. I could get used to this house."

"How is Riverdale nicer? You know that we have a murderer right. We have gangs at war with a mafia boss. Seriously and this town isn't even that great. I would leave now honestly." said Pixie and Chic shouted, "You said if we gave you the money you would leave." Alice and Betty held Chic back. "Or what. You think that you four can take us? Try it." threatened Darla and Pixie was tempted to do something that would make her Mother cry tears of joy. "Sit your ass down or I'll cut out your sister's eyes." said the man while he pulled out a box cutter. The door collided with the wall as it came out from where it was supposed to be. About ten knives were pulled and Pixie took a few steps back. "You think you two can take all of us? Try it," asked a smug Betty and Darla said "You brought back up. Does that mean you want me to go to the Sheriff? Start making a stink."

"That's your call but my backup and me are best friends with the Sheriff's son. So whose side do you think he will pick?" asked Betty and Jughead continued "The Coopers are one of the most respected families in Riverdale. You two are just a couple of Centreville scumbags. Besides Pixie is loved by every single person in this town." Sweet Pea pulled Pixie close to him with his free hand. "Anything that was in your car in the swamp washed away in the swamp, else we'd have heard about it by now. So why don't you just grab the money and run?" said Betty and Darla picked up the money and left. Alice sighed in relief while Sweet Pea put away his knife. "Sorry about your door, Mrs. Cooper." apologized Jughead and Alice said, "Thank you Jughead and thank your friends for me."

"We're Serpents, it's what we do." said Jughead and Alice answered "Betty you've been telling me something I didn't want to hear and I'm sorry. But Chic, you've put us in danger twice now. So I think that you should do what you said and leave this house." Sweet Pea kissed Pixie goodbye before hopping on his bike. "I will. I'll find a place." said Chic and Alice instructed, "Do it quickly because you're not going to spend another night here." Alice came to Serpent club with the two girls the next day. "I asked Jughead to thank you for me, but I reconsidered because I wanted to do it myself. So thank you for what you did. I also wanted you to hear it directly from me that I am done attacking and disavowing the Southside. It's where I am from and I should be proud of that, and from now on I will be. And like my daughter I will fight tooth and nail for it."

"Hey, Pixie I heard around that you make a lot of your own clothes. As you know Carrie the musical is coming and I was you to do costuming," asked Kevin as the two walked down the corridors. "Of course Kev. I would love to what kind of thing are you thinking. I already have the perfect idea for the prom dresses and tuxedos but aside from that, I need a theme. For now I draw some sketches up and we can go over them at practice." Kevin hugged Pixie before they both hurried off to class.

Pixie was measuring Cheryl for her dress when she picked up the drawing for it. "Oh, my Pixie your talent is undeniable. Is this my prom dress? It is perfect." said Cheryl and Pixie rambled "I know. I'm making it silk, the slit will perfectly highlight your leg and it will be just tight enough to show off your curves. Since your hair is red I made the pink light enough so it won't clash but it will instead highlight it." Cheryl hugged Pixie making them both smile. Soon do me a favour finished and Pixie sighed. "Chuck take the jacket off and Veronica get changed into different pants. I have to fix things." said Pixie and Kevin said, "Pixie everything looks fabulous." Pixie began ajusting the jacket. "Kevin it could be better. Everything can be better and once I am done Broadway shows will envy the costumes we have. You'll see after the world according to Chris."

Sure enough, as Veronica was singing Kevin whispered in Pixie's ear "Your right. Darkening the jeans gave more of a contrast between the girls. Changing it to the heels was genius for Veronica's figure. Also, the vest on Chuck makes it fit in with the era more than the jacket did yet somehow it looks perfect on the extra. I got to give it to you Pixie you were just what we needed. Pixie couldn't be bothered with the fighting that was happening on stage. Instead, she flew around as she fixed everyone's costumes. The talent could fight among themselves but Pixie would make sure they all looked great while they did it. "Pixie I'm Carrie now." said midge excitedly to Pixie. "That's amazing Midge I'm so proud of you. What happened to Cheryl though." asked Pixie and Midge laughed "Two words. Penelope Blossom."

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