Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up late

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The next morning I woke up late. I felt terrible. I had barely recharged and felt ready to snap at the nearest person.
The others noticed my abrupt mood swing and mostly tried to avoid me. Even the baby Dinobot Terry didn't bother me.
I cannot say the same for our newest member, Izabella.
The young human girl had literally just marched up to Cade yesterday and asked if she and her little friend Squeeks could stay. Of course Cade said no, but Izabella was persistent. She somehow managed to convince him to let her stay. I don't really know. I was too busy helping Blue Moon with Seigin.
However, right now the gurl thought it a great plan to pepper me with questions, despite my exhaustion and short temper.
"How old are you?"
"Why do you look different from the others?"
"What do you use your claws for mostly?"
"When did you arrive to Earth?"
On and on and on until I was ready to scream.
"Kid," I finally said.
Izabella looked at me expectantly.
"I need some time alone, okay? Right now is not the best time to ask me questions."
I told her this in the calmest tone I possibly could, which was surprising that I managed to force any calm into my voice at all. I was so slagged off.
Izabella nodded in understanding,"Fine."
She left and I breathed a sigh of relief. All I needed was some alone time to have a quick nap and sort out my thoughts.
Last night had been confusing. Optimus had come out of stasis, but something perplexed him greatly, and I had no idea what.
Then, a tearing pain lanced through my spark...and I could no longer feel Optimus.
Even now, I could still feel the burning pain within my spark-chamber. Something terrible had happened, and I needed to know what. But, without the bond, I could no longer receive an answer.
I pressed a servo to my chest-plate to feel the awkward thump of my spark. Last night, it had been going a steady pace, but today it kilt. It would go fast, then slow, then medium, then slow, then fast. Like it couldn't make up it's mind!
"Orchid?" came a soft voice beside me.
I whipped my helm around to see Aura standing next to me. Her optics were dim and her voice seemed weak.
"M-my brother..." she managed to say before collapsing.
I caught the femme before she could hit the ground. She was ice cold, but her chest-plate was boiling hot.
"Crosshairs! Someone help!" I shouted in a panic.
Crosshairs was there almost immediately. When he saw the limp form of his femme-friend, his face-plates paled and he rushed to her side.
The green mech lifted Aura into his lap and cradled her helm gently.
"What happened?" he asked, looking at me.
I waved my servos in the air,"I don't know! She just...collapsed!"
The others were here now too, all just as worried.
"Is Aura in labor?" Cade asked.
"No, this is different," Kamicazii replied, setting a gentle servo on her friend's fore-helm,"It's like...something broke inside."
I remembered that when two sparklings were born they shared a split spark and a bond, almost like a Sparkmate's.
"Her bond was severed," I realized aloud.
"What?" Drift asked, holding his wife close.
"Aura Dae and Optimus Prime share a split spark. Something must've happened to him to sever the bond," I explained, then added in a quieter voice,"Like ours."
"What?" Crosshairs asked, looking up.
I blushed bright blue,"Nothing."
"Crosshairs, you and Cade work on Aura," Blue Moon said,"See if you can get her back online. Orchid, please. Come with us."
I swallowed hard and followed Blue Moon and the others to one end of the junk yard.
Once there, Blue Moon handed a sleeping Seigin to Druft and grasped my servos in her own.
"Orchid," she said seriously, staring into my optics,"are you okay?"
I nodded,"I'm fine."
Hound placed a servo on my shoulder-plate,"Orchid, if there's something going on, you can tell us."
I looked at them all. At their kind, understanding face-plates and loving optics. I had kept this secret for so long...
"I-I don't know," I mumbled.
"Don't know what?" Bumblebee asked.
This was not how I imagined my day to go.
'Tell them,' came a sudden voice in my audio, making me jump a little.
"Orchid?" Kamicazii asked.
'It's okay, my love. Tell them,' pressed the voice.
I bit my lip,"I-I might've...bonded...with Optimus?"
I heard the voice in my audio groan and I cringed.
Everyone just stared at me with open mouths and shocked expressions.
As more and more time passed in silence, the hotter and bluer my face-plates became.
Finally Kamicazii let out an audio-splitting squeal, accidentally waking Seigin up.
The femme wrecker hugged me so tight I thought she might've dented my armor a little.
"Orchid, why didn't you tell us?" she asked once letting go.
I rubbed the back of my helm and blushed furiously. I had nothing to say.
The mechs were all silent, then Bee choked.
"You dated Optimus?" Drift asked in disbelief,"Like, had an intimate relationship with him?"
I blushed harder and nodded. My lip was hurting because I was biting it so hard.
"Why didn't you tell any of us?" Hound asked.
I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Just a strangled noise. I suddenly felt nauseous. Too many people. Too many questions. Too much noise. So tired.
I felt an arm suddenly support me and realized I had been swaying.
"Go back a bit," Hound ordered, gently sitting me on the ground,"She needs air."
I breathed deeply, but it didn't seem to be doing much good. I still felt unwell.
"Blue..." I managed to whisper.
Blue Moon was at my side in an instant, servos already glowing.
She set them on my chest-plate and rested her fore-helm on mine.
"You're gonna be okay," she whispered.
I nodded, feeling the sickness wash away.
"There was too much pressure and she didn't recharge well last night," Blue Moon explained to the others,"Plus, the severing of the bond has left her weaker than usual. We must be careful."
Suddenly the alarm went off.
"Fifty secs to evac let's go!" Cade shouted.
"Oh scrap!" I gasped, struggling to my peds.
Bee gave me a servo up and we all transformed.
"They've found our position!" Kamicazii shouted.
Drift handed Blue Moon Seigin before transforming into his vehicle mode. Blue Moon gently set her sparkling inside her Sparkmate's vehicle mode before transforming as well.
"Wait! Aura!" I shouted over the alarm.
"Already here," she replied.
I did a doughnut to see her standing behind me, leaning against Crosshairs, but conscious and ready.
"Oh give me this one! This'll mess somebody up good," Hound told Cade.
"Don't be a hero, Hound," Cade warned the gunslinger.
"I was born a hero," the mech boasted.

Author's Note: Just decided to do some kitty randomness. Because I'm really weird.



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AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!By the way, this is my female cat

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By the way, this is my female cat. Her name is...wait for it....


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