Chapter 7

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That jet ride, was probably the saddest

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That jet ride, was probably the saddest. It reminded me so much of when our human friends at NEST would pick us up from a mission and I would be issued into the same plane as Optimus. There, I could feel comforted and safe, as well as knowing I was near the one I loved the most in the world.
The one...who was gone.
I kept thinking I could hear his soft, baritone voice telling me he was really here, but I knew he wasn't. I could not see him, smell him, or feel his presence. Just cold air around me.
I missed Optimus so much. It was unbearable.
My optics started to burn as held back tears clogged my throat.
Finally I couldn't hold them back anymore and golden energon tears trickled from my optics down my face-plates. I buried my helm in my servos and let out all my anguish quietly.
Suddenly I heard a familiar comforting purr near me and smelled a smoke with a slight tinge of green apple scent.
I peeked through my digits to see my little cyber-dragon Larkspur. He was looking at me with huge, sad purple optics.
More tears spilled out.
While I had been very very busy taking care of the baby Dinobots, Seigin, and making sure the mechs didn't kill each other, I had had no time for Larkspur. No doubt he felt neglected.
"I-I'm s-so sorry," I hiccupped and closed my digits again to block out the world from sight once more.
A small, warm metal body slid under my elbows and snuggled up against my chassis.
Larkspur butted my chin with his tiny helm and purred.
I removed my servos from my face-plates so I could look at my pet.
Larkspur's optics, his body language, all of it seemed to say,"I forgive you."
Right now, those two violet orbs staring into mine...were the dearest thing to me.
Larkspur purred and rubbed his helm against my neck-cables, my chin, anywhere he could reach.
In turn, I stroked his little spine-plates and scratched him in all his favorite spots.
Larkspur's tail began wagging wildly and he jumped away to zoom around the holder crazily.
I laughed, for the first time in months, I really laughed.
Perhaps this trip might not be as bad as I imagined.
Cogsman landed the jet and I drove out with Larkspur sitting on my backseat. Kamicazii and Bumblebee crouched as they walked out, but I was more concerned about our cover.
When I voiced my worry to Cogsman he did a weird 'hoho' laugh.
"You need not worry about that here, ma'am. Cybertronians come to this place all the time to seek peace and serenity from the harsh world out there."
I reluctantly transformed, and from my height, I could now see the place Cogsman was talking about.
I expected a secret base or something, no! It was a castle! A real life, stone castle.
I exhaled heavily,"Not...what I expected."
"You don't like it?" Cogsman asked, sounding offended.
"No no! It's lovely. Just, I kinda expected a high-tech secret base of sorts," I replied quickly.
"Hm. Not as magnificent," Cogsman huffed and walked agead with Cade.
"What?" I asked, looking at Kamicazii and Bee,"What'd I say?"
They both shrugged and looked confused.
Not helpful.
As we approached the castle, my optics picked out an elderly human man walking his dog...and looking straight at us.
I did, however, fail to notice the tank slowly rolling behind the man, until it shot at us.
The blast hit about a foot away from my ped, but I still jumped, startling Larkspur, who was resting on my shoulder-plate.
The tiny cyber-dragon dug his claws into my armor, making me wince.
"What the...?" Bee said as we git closer.
"Oh, excuse him," the old man aplogized, then started rambling about...something. I do not remember a thing he said.
"Let me see it, please," the man suddenly said, making sense, kinda. At least enough for me to remember.
"Very interesting, yes."
"You spend your whole life, waiting for something to happen, then you begin to wonder...has my life been wasted?" the man said prophetically,"Have you ever felt like that Mr. Cade?"
"No, and it's just Cade," Cade replied,"Listen, old-timer, I don't have much patience here, so you bettet get to the point or I'm bookin' it outta here."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down," the man said.
Oh, and his name is Mr. Witwiccan.
The man began rambling on again, but then I heard the roar of an approaching car engine.
Turning around, I could see an orange and black Lamborghini approaching. I was surprised when it transformed into a mech, and even more surprised to see he had a passenger. A woman with wavy dark hair and pale skin and brown eyes.
She was frantically waving a polo stick at the mech while backing away and tripping over basically every lump in the lawn.
"Is this a kidnapping or her first Transformers experience?" Cade asked.
"It's a bit of both really," Mr. Witwiccan explained,"but she does have a nice fight-or-flight response."
"She's very difficult!" the mech shouted in a French accent as the woman rolled down the hill.
I walked a bit closer and picked up the human woman easily in one servo.
Ignoring her kicking and screaming I turned to the mech.
"Do I know you? You seem familiar," I said.
"Oui, mademoiselle," the mech said smoothly,"It is I, Hotrod. Bumblebee's brother."
He took my other servo and kissed it, making my face-plates heat up.
I pulled away quickly and hid my blush behind my hair.
"And who is this, Bumblebee?" Hotrod asked, gesturing to Kamicazii.
"My girl-friend," Bee replied.
"I'm Kamicazii, nice to meet you," Kamicazii smiled, extending her servo.
Hotrod took it and kissed it as he had mine,"Two beautiful femmes in one day. What could be better?"
Bee cuffed his brother upside the helm,"Kamicazii's mine and Orchid's taken already."
Hotrod feigned agony,"Oh, my spark has been struck a sore blow! Why must you do this to me, O' Primus?"
I covered my mouth with a servo so as not to giggle too loudly.
"Orchid, are you comin' in?" Cade called.
I looked to see he was almost to the castle gates.
I set down the woman and became human-sized.
"Coming," I replied.

Author's Note: Soo, school started. Just so my readers know, I am homeschooled, so I can start school basically whenever I feel like it.
So long as it's not past September 1st.
I started early because we are really busy building a house, and I have two jobs now for two farmers don't need to know.
What you do need to know, is that when I go for a walk on the beach with my hair down it doesn't look like this...

It looks like this...

Sorry for the sideways picture.
Anyway. Expectations versus reality. :(

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