Chapter 12

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I was fairly impressed

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I was fairly impressed. I mean, I had seen Orchid in action before, but she always seemed to move in this kind of natural grace and strength that made other femmes envy her.
I easily phased through all the men and out the door.
Orchid was still parked outside, waiting for some sort of signal from me I guess.
I transformed and drove up beside her, making my right rearview mirror slide against the driver's door. Well, through.
Orchid's engine started and she began driving away with a ghost truck following her.
I hoped I would not be a ghost for very long. I would get my body back from Quintessa...
...even if I had to kill her to do it.
We parked outside the Navy Museum, another place I had really wanted to see. I wanted to see the whole world basically. It was so interesting with an intriguing history.
Once Orchid pulled into a quiet parking lot, she transformed and very quickly shrank to her human size and form.
I honestly have no idea how she does that. Tibaksi skill I guess?
Orchid ran up to Cade and Viviane, who then jumped past the pay booth rudely and ran to the biggest submarine there.
"Hey, you forgot to pay!" the woman in the booth shouted.
"It's alright they're with me!" Mr. Witwiccan cried, walking up,"They just love submarines."
"They're a bit rude aren't they?" the woman asked.
"Yes that's the downside of the modern generation I'm afraid, Orchid do you have a fifty?"
Orchid pulled an American twenty dollar bill out of her pocket and handed it to the man, who then slid a large pile of hundred dollar bills with the twenty towards the woman.
"And this museum is closed...for eternity," Mr. Witwiccan finished.
Once we reached the submarine, Mr. Witwiccan rushed in and shouted at everyone until they ran out the submarine.
We went into the sub, and it looked extremely technical. I could probably control it if I was properly taught, and had a physical form, or Orchid I guess, but the humans didn't look to certain. And I knew for definite sure, that Larkspur could not drive this thing.
Suddenly I realized I had missed Mr. Witwiccan's entire good-bye speech. The man was already out the submarine.
Viviane was sitting in the pilot's chair (I am going to assume that is what it's called), not looking too sure of herself, but she moved her hands towards the controls shakily.
"Well this won't be the strangest thing I've done today," she breathed and touched a couple levers.
A large electrical pulse flowed from the woman's hands and into the submarine.
There was a second of complete silence...
...then there was a loud rumbling sound of a dormant spark humming back to life. Then all the controls and everything started to move.
"What was that?" Cade asked.
"A spark revving it's engine," Orchid smiled.
"You mean we're in a Transformer?" Viviane squeaked.
"We are indeed, ma'am," Cogsman replied.
I hadn't even seen him enter the sub! Probably while I wasn't paying attention.
We submerged and both Cade and Cogsman were fighting over the telescope so they could see what was going on.
Suddenly Cade swore when he looked and stumbled backwards.
"What? What is it?" Orchid asked.
Cade gave a nervous laugh,"Just Kamicazii. She surprised me by making a face and suddenly popping into the telescope's view."
Orchid relaxed. She was sitting on the floor stroking Larkspur, who was purring happily.
Suddenly all the sensors started to go crazy.
"Er, Cogsman! Is that normal?" Viviane asked.
"Perfectly normal, ma'am," Cogsman replied cooly,"TRF ships are on our tail."
"What?" Orchid exclaimed.
"Quickly quickly! This way," the butler bot ushered all three of them.
They went to the end of the ship, where through the glass window we could see at least two modern submarines. And the tip of Bumblebee's ped.
"Why did he send us here?" Viviane asked.
"He's sending us to the front so we die first," Cade replied.
I disagreed.
Orchid wasn't trembling, but she didn't look too calm either.
I wished I could put my arm around her and pull her close to me. To comfort her and protect her forever.
One of the subs fired at us and our submarine started to move very fast.
It began to tip, so the end with us in it would be aiming straight up.
The humans shouted and hung onto whatever they could find.
Orchid used her claws to hold herself against one of the walls.
Me, I was floating. Literally floating.
I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Our submarine swung around and collided with one of the TRF submarines, sending it shooting out the water, but not destroying it.
Then it shot some little torpedo thing out and righted itself.
Everyone was now lying on the floor, panting.
Orchid slowly got up.
Instinctively I reached out to hold her, but as expected, I phased right through her.
Orchid however, smiled right at me. She knew I was there the whole time.
Cogsman ran up to where Cade was lying with his arm around Viviane.
"Hands off! There is a time and a place for everything. This is not the time, nor the place," Cogsman scolded, helping Viviane up.
I followed Orchid into one of the submarine's rooms where she flopped on the bed, exhaling heavily.
Larkspur slid around my neck-cables and fell asleep there. Hopefully for a longer time this time.
"Orchid?" I asked.
My femme opened her golden optics and smiled,"Larkspur knew."
I sat beside her on the bed,"Are you okay?"
"A little shaken, but I'm fine," she replied,"You?"
I smiled sadly,"I'm a ghost. The only thing that can hurt me is the pain in my spark knowing I cannot truly be with you."
"Yeah, we need to find your body soon," Orchid sighed, sitting up.
I slid one arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
Orchid blushed slightly,"Optimus, were you following me...the whole time?"
I understood what she was implying,"Hotrod will get a stern talking-to for sure."
Then I remembered the mech who had commented on her aft,"And perhaps the elderly mech too."
Orchid bit her knuckle and giggled, blushing a little more.
She looked so cute.
I brushed her servo away and kissed her softly, running the tip of my digit up her chin and along her jawline to cup her face-plates tenderly.
Orchid put both servos on either side of my helm and pulled me closer for a stronger, more passionate kiss.
I happily complied.
My servo dropped from her face-plates to roam her left thigh.
Orchid gasped and fell backwards, dragging me with her to lie on the bed.
I softly kissed along her jaw and chin a few times before returning to her lips. My servos travelled all over her body as I kissed her. I wanted to have her so bad.
Orchid though, I didn't want to rush these things. She was that type of femme that liked to take some things slower than others.
Like interface.
However, we were still content as of now.
I could feel Larkspur shifting on my neck-cables as he started to wake up and pulled away.
Orchid looked at me sadly,"Do you have to go?"
I nodded,"Yes, love."
Orchid nodded and smiled sadly,"Okay."
Before Larkspur could awaken completely, she wrapped both her arms around me and kissed me hard, arcing her whole body against mine.
My optics widened in surprise, but they soon closed as I returned the kiss.
Larkspur woke up completely at last and stretched.
Orchid pulled away, knowing what was going to happen next.
Larkspur hopped from my shoulder-plate onto hers, but this time there was no me landing on my face-plates.

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