Chapter 15

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I felt braver, more like myself

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I felt braver, more like myself. More like a Prime.
Still, there was that nagging feeling at the back of my processor that Quintessa hadn't just sent me.
Suddenly, Orchid screamed as she was yanked from my side.
I whirled to see...Lockdown...dragging my Sparkmate away, aiming a gun at all of us.
"Surprised to see me again, Optimus?" the mech sneered.
"I killed you in China," I hissed, picking up my sword, but keeping my optics on the mech holding my femme.
"Perhaps, but Quintessa's powers are great," Lockdown replied,"It took a year to repair me, but I am now here, and am claiming what belongs to me."
"Let Orchid go, you-you...!" Kamicazii shouted, adding some Earth profanity as an insult.
Lockdown laughed cruelly,"Or you'll what? Kill me again? As long as Quintessa lives we, her humble servants, are immortal. We die, she resurrects us, we come back and kill you."
Kamicazii growled and advanced with her scythe drawn.
Lockdown made a clicking sound and transformed his servo into a blade, which he pressed to Orchid's neck-cables,"Any closer, and I spill all her energon."
"Well that makes no sense whatsoever," Bee commented,"Why go through all this trouble to get Orchid, if you're just gonna kill her anyways?"
"Because, foolish mech," Lockdown laughed coldly,"Quintessa can revive her, the same way she did me, and then, make her loyal only to me."
"That...won't happen," Orchid hissed.
Lockdown growled,"Be quiet!"
Kamicazii tried to step closer, but Lockdown pressed the sharp edge harder and Orchid whimpered.
Blue Moon had described a similar scenario on Cybertron, only with Megatron.
"Sing," I mouthed to Orchid.
She looked at me in confusion.
"Sing!" I mouthed again.
Orchid opened her mouth and a loud, shocking melody erupted from her voicebox.
It startled Lockdown so much, he forgot to hold her and she broke free, giving him a swift punch to the stomach as she did so.
Orchid ran closer to us, standing right close to Kamicazii, and face Lockdown.
I growled and went to kill Lockdown again, but Orchid stopped me with a calm servo.
"Quintessa will only revive him. This needs to be my kill," she said gently.
I looked into her beautiful golden optics and nodded,"If he hurts you again, I'm going to mess him up really bad."
Orchid's mouth twitched a little before she turned to face her enemy.
I couldn't help but feel tense as she walked closer to the mech, who was slowly recovering.
Lockdown lunged unexpectedly for her peds, but Orchid kicked him back down in the face-plates.
"Get up," she snarled,"Get up and fight, coward."
Lockdown wiped some energon from his lip and smiled,"You sound so sexy when you torment me."
Orchid hissed and kicked him again.
Lockdown rolled over, then sprang to his peds and swung his blade at her helm.
Orchid tilted her helm backwards so the razor-sharp tip just barely missed her chin. Then she went into a flurry of movements.
She hit his chest-plate at least a dozen times with the palm of her servos, then leaped, spun in mid-air, and kicked him twice in the face-plates.
She landed smoothly on her peds and Lockdown stumbled backwards.
"I will kill you, femme," he threatened,"I'm patient. I can wait a year or so for my pleasure."
He lunged again, this time for her chest-plate.
Orchid caught his blade in one servo, the weapon slicing her palm.
From my point of view I couldn't see her exact expression, but I could see Lockdown's very clearly.
The mech was afraid. Afraid and trembling.
Orchid grabbed him by the neck-cables in one servo, and the other snapped the blade from his arm like a twig.
"You took many lives, fool," she said, but it sounded as if someone else was talking in unison with her,"you shall rob no one of their spark anymore."
She slammed her other servo into his spark-chamber and the mech let out a strangled scream.
Orchid twisted her arm, blue energon sliding across her armor and splattering onto the ground.
A golden halo surrounded her, but took on two forms. One of a lovely Tibaksi, and the other, which I was more familiar with, was a strong Predacon.
"Begone!" they all shouted in unison.
Lockdown let out a piercing scream before going limp in Orchid's glowing servos.
Orchid retracted her servo, a dead spark still gripped in her claws, and Lockdown's chassis crumpled to the ground in a pile of golden flakes that disappeared in the wind.
The aura surrounding Orchid and the two figures disapitated, leaving only the femme standing there, with energon dripping from one servo.
Orchid slowly turned around and looked at us. There were lines shadowing her face-plates and her optics were dim.
The spark slid out of her limp claws and her optics rolled backwards.
I ran and managed to catch Orchid before she fainted and collapsed. She was unnaturally cold to the touch and I feared the worst.
"Are any of you a healer?" I asked my brethren Knights desperately,"Any of you?"
The tallest red one stepped forward and kneeled beside me. He took Orchid from my arms and lay her flat against the ground. He then touched her fore-helm, her servos, and her chest-plate to check her temperature, pulse, and spark-beat.
Finally he looked at me.
"She has gone into a short coma. She used up much of her energon sources with such a huge amount of power."
"When will she awake?" Kamicazii asked, peering over my shoulder-plate.
"A couple hours at the most," the Knight replied,"Let her rest."
Luckily, the other Autobots arrived with our spaceship. Aura was overjoyed to see me, as I was to see her.
"You, glitch-helm!" she cried, hugging me and crying into ny shoulder-plate,"I thought you were dead!"
I patted my sister's back-plates, loving the feeling of our brother-sister bond re-healing and bringing us close together once more.
Blue Moon had brought Seigin with her, and was more than happy to let me hold the tiny mech.
"Congratulations," I said, handing the sparkling back to his loving mother's arms,"You and Drift make great parents."
Blue Moon smiled and nodded,"Thank you, Optimus. But what of Orchid?"
I glanced at the seperate room she had been placed in to rest,"I don't know."
"What I mean is...she's not...I mean you haven't...."
I realized what the femme was trying to say and shook my helm,"No."
Blue Moon nodded again,"I hope that whatever choice you two make, it makes both of you happy."
Seigin chose this moment to awaken and start pining that he was hungry. Blue Moon bustled off to get him an energon bottle, leaving me pretty much alone for a few hours.
I glanced longingly at the chamber's door again.
Maybe, today...

Author's Note: Just a warning, the next chapter is going to be PG. 13+.
Not a dirty chapter, more of an awkward one since I've never written scenes like this before.
Still, if you're not 13 or up, you might not want to read more.

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