Chapter 9

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After our

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After our...pleasant conversation with Mr. Witwiccan, Hotrod offered to take me, Kamicazii, and Bumblebee on a tour around the castle.
"So, this is like a retirement home for Cybertronians?" I asked, gazing up at the nearest turret. It was taller than a two story Cybertronian house! And that's really saying something.
"In a way," Hotrod replied,"Mostly for the elderly, but I stay because Monsieur Witwiccan needs a good, young mech to run errands."
"What errands do you do mostly?" Bumblebee asked his brother.
"Oh, grocery shopping mostly," Hotrod sighed,"I have acquired a holoform, which enables me to walk among the inhabitants if this planet without causing havoc."
"You sound as if it is a tedious chore," I commented.
"If I could, I would bravely be fighting once more at Optimus Prime's side, mademoiselle," Hotrod replied," Fighting for peace and honor, for Cybertron, and all planets."
He then seemed to deflate, and sighed heavily,"But alas, Optimus is no longer here. And I am reduced to becoming an errand mech."
"Eh, not so bad," Kamicazii shrugged, then draped her arms over both brother's shoulder-plates,"This place have a bar?"
Hotrod seemed taken aback,"Er...non, mademoiselle. We do not indulge ourselves in such...crude acts of pleasure."
Kamicazii faked a pout,"Then what is there to do in this place?"
"I must go fetch groceries in half an hour," Hotrod replied,"Perhaps you would like to join me?"
Kamicazii arched an eyebrow,"Really?"
Hotrod sighed and shrugged her arm off his shoulder-plate,"I wish this was more interesting, I really do. It...just is not."
Kamicazii must've seen something interesting then, because she suddenly leaped off in some random direction, dragging Bee with her.
Hotrod turned to me and scratched the back of his helm,"W-well...would you like me to walk you back to the main gate, mademoiselle?"
I smiled kindly,"Yes, please."
Hotrod extended his arm and I politely took it. Not because I liked him the same way as Optimus, but because I felt sorry for the orange and black mech. He had gone through much on Cybertron, losing his voice-box with his brother, but he found a new one, and had it installed before he found out his brother had none.
In addition, he had to suffer the loss of his only relative, his grand-father, and the deaths of many more of his close friends.
"Are you alright, mademoiselle?" Hotrod suddenly asked.
I jerked my helm towards him,"Huh?"
"You seemed...distant, as if you were thinking of something," the mech stated, then smiled cockily,"Was it me?"
I snorted,"I was remembering your past, but not necessarily thinking about you."
Hotrod let go of my arm to flex,"But I am strong, fast, not to mention dashingly handsome."
I laughed,"You better pray that Optimus does not find out about this when he gets back."
Even as I said it, I felt a familiar pang of sadness in my spark as I remembered the feeling...of our bond being snapped like a twig.
Hotrod looked confused, then blue optics shot wide open,"Y-you mean...when Kamicazii said...?"
"Yes, Hotrod," I replied gently to his stammered question,"I am Optimus Prime's Sparkmate."
Hotrod rubbed his optics and patted his chest-plate,"And to think! I was going to ask if I could court you."
I covered my mouth to hide a laugh. For one of the bravest warriors I knew, Hotrod was also pretty sweet.
I left Hotrod to catch up with his brother and entered the castle in half-human mode (that's the one where I'm human-sized, but still look like myself) and eventually found Cade, Viviane, and Mr. Witwiccan in a deep chamber.
It was pretty easy. I followed the sound of a blaring organ.
"Cogsman, you ruined the moment again!" Mr.Witwiccan shouted as I entered.
"I was making the moment more epic," Cogsman replied with a flourish.
"Just be quiet. What's the matter with you?" Mr. Witwiccan scolded.
"Then again, I never would have found you guys if he hadn't been playing," I said, walking up next to Viviane.
Viviane gave me a cautious look and scooted a couple steps away.
"Whoa!" I exclaimed, suddenly noticing the giant stone table in front of me,"Is this...?"
"The original Knights of the Round Table's table? Yes," Mr. Witwiccan finished for me.
I set my servos down gently on the hard stone. It was a table with many markings and symbols. Some human, some...Cybertronian.
"You are familiar with this table, Miss Orchid?" Mr. Witwiccan asked me.
"I only know it from my father's stories," I replied,"He used to be a knight, before he met and married my mother. He never came back, even though he promised to."
"And why is that?" Viviane asked,"Knights are supposed to be true to their promises, I'm sure Transformer Knights would do the same."
I shook my helm sadly,"How can one fulfill their promise...when they are dead?"
My words echoed loudly in the chamber. Too loudly. Each one reverberating back to bring back painful memories I did not wish to see again.
"Orchid," Cade said, coming near me,"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."
I stood up straight, brushing away tears in a pretense of moving strands of hair from my face-plates.
"It is a memory I do not often speak of," I replied calmly.
"Yes well, past is the past, we must focus on the save the future," Mr. Witwiccan piped up,"Ah, Mr. Cade. It has been told in legend that a final knight will arise, to fight the mad goddess Quintessa. She will use Earth's power to resurrect her own. it would seem, from the talisman on your arm, that you, Mr. Cade, are that knight."
I suddenly realized that there was odd opera singing in the background. As soon as Mr. Witwiccan stopped talking, it got louder.
I turned around to see Cogsman singing from a balcony.
"Stop it!" Mr. Witwiccan shouted.
Cogsman deflated,"What?"
"If you do not be quiet, I will send you back to a little tiny box," Mr. Witwiccan threatened.
"Oooh, scary," Cogsman said sarcastically, but was quiet.
"If I could find his neck I'd strangle him," Mr. Witwiccan muttered.
I decided not to point out exactly where the butler-bot's neck was.
For his own good.

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