Chapter 5

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We tore out of the junk yard literally minutes before my sharp audios detected the angry roar of

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We tore out of the junk yard literally minutes before my sharp audios detected the angry roar of...Megatron?
'Oh scrap times a zillion,' I thought to myself and pressed my pedal to the floor.
We arrived at the required coordinates and put our well-practiced plan into action.
Kamicazii set the explosives while Cade ran connection wires along the road.
I hid behind a building, bow out with an arrow already nocked.
My sensitive audios caught the sound of energon-powered engines arriving.
I pressed my comm,"Positions! They're coming."
There were (I think) five Decepticons to say the most.
Dreadbot, Megatron, Mohawk, and two others I did not recognize. One was overweight and green, the other reminded me uncomfortably of Shockwave, but he certainly did not sound like the deceased inventor.
"Hey, Cade," Wheelie asked, trembling as the 'cons unwarily approached,"You mind if I bail?"
"Keep it steady," Cade simply replied, aiming his gun.
Suddenly, a scrapped piece of a car's door fell over revealing...Squeeks.
The tiny blue Cybertronian looked at us with his huge terrified optics.
"Get over here!" Megatron ordered.
On his way by, Squeeks gave me a little look.
I nodded encouragingly at him. The little fellow would need all the courage he could get right now.
Megatron reached down and picked a hissing and spitting Squeeks up by the top of his blue helm.
"You are awash in their repulsive scent," Megatron commented in disgust. I assumed he meant the humans, not us.
Then, all high and mighty Izabella decided to march right up to the group of Decepticons.
"Hey! Put. Him. Down!" she ordered.
"Aww look at 'er all struttin' with them pigtails," Mohawk sneered.
"You think I'm afraid of you?" the young girl challenged.
I heard an odd sound coming from Cade, which Megatron must've noticed too, because he suddenly lost interest in Squeeks and Izabella.
"Cade Yeager, I need that talisman!" the Decepticon leader growled.
Cade reached out and twisted an ignition pump handle...
...and all Kaon broke loose!
A huge explosion knocked the Decepticons off their peds and damaged them to some extent, but I was more worried about Izabella.
I sprinted out and grabbed the girl and ran!
"You don't do that kamacazi scrap, strutting up to a Decepticon!" I scolded, holding her close to my chest-plate.
"I know! I know!" she cried sassily,"Can you put me down? I think I'm gonna be sick."
I stopped a moment behind a building and checked the coast was clear before setting Izabella down gently on the ground.
The girl managed to stagger a couple steps, before bending over and depositing the contents of her breakfast that morning in the dust.
I wrinkled my nose. It looked and smelled exceedingly unpleasant.
Once she was finished, Grimlock thought it would be a good idea to smash through the building we were hiding behind.
"Scrap, Grimlock!" I shouted, diving into a roll to grab Izabella and get out of the way of the huge Dinobot.
"Grimlock sorry," he growled sheepishly,"Grimlock think pretty flower enemy. Grimlock wrong."
I patted the giant Cybertronian's armor,"It's okay. We're okay."
Grimlock bared his huge teeth in a gruesome, yet genuine smile and stomped off to find a real Decepticon to eat.
I looked down and noticed that Izabella had vomited once more, this time, in my servo.
"That's gross," I said.
With enough force and determination, we drove the Decepticons back.
I literally terrified the lubricants out of Mohawk by smearing the vomit from Izabella all over his face-plates.
He screamed in a very un-mechlike way and ran off in the opposite direction, shouting,"It touched me! It touched me!"
Disgusting? Yes. Amusing? Definitely.
Later I found a tap that was still working and stuck my servo under it once I shrank down to my human-size.
Clean, kinda, I joined Cade, Izabella, and Jimmy at a gas station.
I was, however, unobservant of the whine of drones, which, luckily, Cade noticed and pushed me down behind a gas pump.
"Get down!" he hissed.
I looked up and saw a large multitude of TRF drones flying into the town.
"Autobots," I whispered into my comm link,"Hide. TRF drones above."
"Let's go," Cade hissed at us, guiding us to a large building,"We'll hide in here."
"That's the feds!" Jimmy panted,"I know the goverment when I see it."
"Would you shut up?" I growled.
Either the black man was too high-strung or just plain stupid, he did not shut up.
"I-I can't go to jail! I'm too skinny for jail, I can't even lift weights," he stammered, following me into the building.
I whirled around,"If you do not be quiet, I will tape your mouth shut permanently. Do you understand?"
Jimmy took a quick minute to process this before responding.
"Good, now move it."
We ran up a spiralling staircase, which in any other situation I would have found glamorous, but right now I was too preoccupied with staying with Cade and not attracting too much attention to myself.
"There's always one in charge," Izabella was saying,"Just like in Chicago--like a mother!"
"I fail to see how this coincides with that incident," I commented.
"Nevermind," I heard her mutter.
Suddenly we all stopped.
I could hear glass being broken as the drones started coming in through the windows. They were persistent.
"Come on," Cade pressed and we started moving again.
Suddenly a drone smashed through the window beside us, almost hitting Cade and Izabella.
Cade shot at it with his gun and I cut its circuits with the pointed end of my staff.
The noise, however, had attracted unwanted attention.
"In here!" I said, ushering the humans into a room.
I crouched behind a ratty sofa.
"Okay, they're mostly after me and Cade," I said,"Izabella, Jimmy, you might not die."
"What's that supposed to do?" Jimmy asked,"Make us feel better? 'Cause I do not feel good at all."
He then turned to Cade,"Does this job have life insurance? It don't do it?"
A drone was coming in.
"Jimmy..." I warned.
"No, listen, robot lady, I've had enough of this s*** today. I wanna go home and eat some pizza," Jimmy complained.
"Jimmy, get down!" Cade shouted, popping up and shooting at the drone.
The flying machine dove at the man and hit him, sending him flying through the wall and into the next room.
I fired an arrow to disorient it and Izabella grabbed a random pipe that was...somewhere on the ground, and killed it.
"We gotta keep going," I said, helping Cade up and brushing a bit of drywall dust and splintered wood off his jacket.
We ran to the next floor and ducked inside another room.
Cade hid under a couch, Izabella behind a post, me behind another couch, and Jimmy...well I didn't know where Jimmy went.
A drone entered, whirring softly. It somehow spotted Cade under the couch and prepared to fire.
Cade avoided the first two shots, then Jimmy jumped out of nowhereland in front of the drone.
"Get behind me!" he exclaimed.
"What? Are you crazy?" Cade asked.
"It's using face recognition," Jimmy answered.
"Jimmy, don't," Cade began.
"Stay behind me," the man panted, still standing in front of the drone.
"It's a bad idea!" Cade stated.
Jimmy let his guard down a little to scoff.
And he was shot with a small beanbag.
I jumped out and jammed my claws into the drone's propellers, making it hiss and blow its circuits.
Cade ran to check on Jimmy, who had been shot into a small restroom.
"Cade...I just wanted to tell you..."the black man gasped,"I love you, man. This job wasn't what I thought it would be but I appreciate everything."
"What are you doing?" Cade asked.
"I'm dying!" Jimmy replied, as if it were obvious.
"It was just a beanbag, dude," I told him.
"There's no hole?" Jimmy asked in disbelief, touching himself.
"There's no hole," Cade replied,"No blood, no nothing."
"There's no hole," Jimmy gasped, getting up.
"Would you hurry up? And stop acting like a hero," Cade scolded.

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