The Runaways

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I see a tall girl with black hair, that must be Ultear. She's staring at me, looking up and down, checking me out. I shiver. "It's ok Gray." Lucy whispers. Ultear bites her lip. My Mavis I'm going to be sick.
Sting takes my hand and placed a kiss on it. A disgusting wet ass kiss. "A pleasure to meet you M'lady." As soon as he said that I knew I had to get out of this marriage somehow. Mavis and mother, Please help me.
Gray's POV:
Jude left us alone with these criminals. Although I shouldn't be surprised, the only time he wanted to see us, is when he wanted to hurt us. I took Ultear to the balcony and Lucy took Sting to the garden. Easy places to fight. Hehe. "Wow this view is amazing." Ultear says. "Yeah, it is." I reply. While I'm looking down I saw Sting and Lucy in the garden. Please be ok. While, I'm thinking Ultear walks up and corners me. She runs her hand up and down my abs. Hehe. I have a plan. I'll pretend that I like want she's doing, take her to my room, we're Juvia is. Juvia will go off on her. Hehe. I put my arm around Ultear's waist. "Let me show you my room." I smirk. She smirks back. "Can't wait." Ultear says, trying to be seductive. We begin to walk to my bedroom, and Ultear's hand is getting dangerously close to my member. Ok just a couple more seconds. Gray breathe, you're not a pussy. So just calm down. I say in my head. I open the door to find Juvia awake. YES! "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GRAY-SAMA?!" Juvia yells. Thank Mavis, Jude's office is out of earshot.

Lucy's POV:
Sting and I have been walking around and talking. I caught him looking at my breasts and ass. I can't believe this guy! The only reason I'm happy is because I can fight him out here if he tries anything. Gray taught me hand to hand combat, just in case of an emergency. Mother trained me to use the keys, and Capricorn helps me increase my magic energy. "So Lucy, you like coming out here?" Sting asks. "Yes. I actually come to the garden every day. It's very peaceful." I explain. We both sit on a bench. I close my eyes and yawn. I open my eyes and no Sting is pinning me down on the bench. He's looking at my breasts again. Sting leans down and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for a week." He grabs both my wrists with one hand, and slowly moves the other one towards the hem of my dress. That's it! I lift my right leg and "Lucy kick" him right in the balls. Sting goes flying into the rose bushes. "OW! Bitch!" He yells. "I've been called worse" I say as I walk away. "What an asshole." I mutter. "Good thing he's leaving soon.

Juvia's POV:
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GRAY-SAMA!?" Juvia yells. "I'm Princess Ultear, his future wife." Juvia giggles. "You think you are Gray-Sama's future wife? Juvia believes you have false information. Juvia is Gray-Sama's future wife. Right, Gray-Sama?" Juvia asks as Juvia looks at him. "Yeah." Gray-Sama says. Juvia slaps Ultear in the face. "Juvia doesn't like Love Rivals." Juvia punches Ultear and she falls to the ground. Ultear tried to punch Juvia
But Juvia dodged it. To land the final blow, Juvia stepped on Ultear's stomach. "O-Ow. I give u-up! P-please stop." Ultear begs. "Alright. Juvia thinks she made her point across. Now leave." Ultear runs out of the room. Gray walks up to Juvia and kisses her cheek. "Thank you." He whispers and Juvia blushes.
Timeskip: When Sting and Ultear leave
Gray's POV:
"Juvia!" I yell as I knock on her door. "Yes, Gray-Sama?" Juvia asks. I turn around to find her behind me. Why is she behind me?! "Lucy-Chan and Juvia were talking about today." She answers, as if she could read my mind. "Well I want to talk about that too. Can we go to my room?" I question, rubbing the back of my neck. "Of course Gray-Sama." She follows me to my room. When we both get in I lock the door. "What's wrong?" Juvia asks. "The problem is Ultear and Sting. They are horrible people. I don't want to marry her Juvia. I want to be w-w-with y-you." I try to say. Juvia looks shocked then shouts "I knew Gray-Sama would fall for Juvia!" I chuckle. "Anyways I think we can run away. Tonight. So we can never see them again. At 11:00pm the guards aren't near Lucy's bedroom. So we can sneak out of there." I explain. "Will Lucy-Chan come with us?"
She asks. "If she agrees." I reply. "Let's go tell her because it's almost 11!"

Lucy's POV:
Gray and Juvia just finished explaining the plan. I think it's great, for them. Not for me. I don't want to be a third wheel, and put them in more danger than they would already be in. "So what do you say Lucy?" Gray asks. "I can't. If I go you will be put in more danger. Also it's your journey together and I don't want to ruin it." I explain. "Lucy-Chan, are you sure?" Juvia questions with tears in her eyes. "Yes. I am." Now I have tears in my eyes. "Go get your Jewels and essentials. Come back in 5." I say as I wipe away my tears. Gray nods and takes Juvia's hand. I start making them a rope of some sort. It's my clothes tied together to form a chain. As soon as I finish they come back in. "Take these. The first one was from mom and the other is from me. Please be careful and safe. Lucy if you can run, please leave this horrible place." Gray pulls me in for a hug. "Lucy, I will miss you so much. Remember that I love you, Alright?!" Gray says as tears fall down his face. "Gray I love you too! Y-You are the b-b-best brother anyone c-could a-ask for! I will m-m-miss you!" I try to say as tears stream down my face. We both pull away and I go over to Juvia. "Lucy-Chan! Juvia will cherish our memories! Juvia loves you and hope we will see each other again!" Juvia says as she begins to cry. "Oh, J-Juvia. I will m-miss you too! You're m-my best f-f-friend and no one c-could r-r-replace you! You both m-mean the w-world to me and I hope we s-see each other a-again!" I say with my tears still streaming.

Gray's POV:
I begin to cry. "Lucy take these and hide it." I explain as I wipe my tears away. "Alright." She says. "I made you guys this chain so you can climb down. You should hurry it's 10:56!" Lucy exclaims as she wipes her tears. "Ok!" Juvia yells, her voice a little raspy from crying. Lucy ties part of the chain to the bed and throws the rest out of the window. I grab the chain and climb down. "Goodbye Lucy!" I yell. I climb all the way down and Juvia gets on the chain. "Juvia and Gray-Sama will love and never forgot you, Lucy-Chan." Juvia says sweetly as she comes down. Lucy pulls the chain back up and waves. We both wave back and start running. Juvia and I are about to start a new adventure, together.

That's it for now guys! I started crying when they said there goodbyes. I thought it was so sad. Anyways, Lucy and Natsu will meet very soon. I hope you liked to chapter! Bye💕👋🏼

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