A Dragon?!

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Hey readers! I just wanted to let you know that I will do my covers like this from now on. With effects and shit like that. Anyways let's get on with the story!
I love you, Alright?!" Gray says as tears fall down his face. "Gray I love you too! Y-You are the b-b-best brother anyone c-could a-ask for! I will m-m-miss you!" I try to say as tears stream down my face. We both pull away and I go over to Juvia. "Lucy-Chan! Juvia will cherish our memories! Juvia loves you and hope we will see each other again!" Juvia says as she begins to cry. "Oh, J-Juvia. I will m-miss you too! You're m-my best f-f-friend and no one c-could r-r-replace you! You both m-mean the w-world to me and I hope we s-see each other a-again!"

Timeskip: 1 month later
Lucy's POV:
Dear Mom,
It's been about a month since Gray and Juvia ran away. I miss them so much. It's hard to live here on my own. Michelle is usually with her fiancé so I'm all alone. It sucks. Without Juvia I have no one to talk too and nothing to do. Without Gray I don't have anyone to spar or train with. I haven't opened either letters yet. I'm going to as soon as I finish this. Anyways, Jude has been looking for them ever since the morning they ran away. Thank Mavis he haven't found them. I hope the letter tells me where they are so I can get to them, if I run away. I pray that Jude leaves the castle one day so I can escape. Please give me the strength to do so.
I put that letter in the secret compartment, and took out the other letters that Gray gave to me. One of them says "Dear child" in Mom's hand writing and "To Lucy" in Gray's. I Decide to read the Mom's letter first. (I already showed you it, so I won't do it again) I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. "T-That A-A-Asshole!" I cry. I can't believe he would do this. Wait, Scratch that. Of course Jude would do this. He abused us and wouldn't take care of us.  "Are you ok, Princess?" Vigro says as she suddenly appears. "I-I just found o-out how m-m-mom p-passed away." I try to explain as tears fall from my eyes. Vigro hugs me and rubs my back. "Princess, it is ok. She is in a better place now, without that horrible man." "Y-your'e right V-Virgo." I reply. "Princess may I ask, what's that in your hand?" I wipe away my tears and take a deep breath. "The letter on my lap was from Mom and the one in my hand is from Gray." I explain. Virgo nods. I open Gray's letters. (This is what he wrote)
Hey Lucy! I guess you read Mom's letter first, which is good. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know a few things. Juvia and I will be at Fairy Tail. I'm pretty sure you know where that is. It's like a really big family. I went there when I was little and met tons of people. You will love it there. Another thing is, Jude is supposed to leave the castle on July 7th. The guards will not be guarding my window, at 3am because I am not there anymore. I know it's a little late but I believe in you. Juvia and I really miss you and want you to come over Fairy Tail. Please be careful
and run away.
                     Gray Heartfilia and Juvia Lockser
"July 7th?!" I whisper shout after I'm done reading the letter. "Yes princess that's the day the guards won't guard over Gra-" "Thats in two days!" I interrupt. "Princess I will be leaving now, please start packing." Virgo says. I give her a hug. "Bye Virgo." I whisper before she disappears. I start to grab my stuff. Extra clothes, all my money, my whip and stuff it in my purse. I'll get a good nights sleep and think about escape plans tomorrow. I wash my face, brush my teeth, put on my Pjs and went to bed.

I wake up and I'm on a field. A beautiful yellow field. I sit up and look around. From afar, I can see someone. They start to walk up to me. Oh my Mavis, who is that? The mysterious guy puts his hand out. I take it and he pulls me up. The only thing I could see was his pink hair. "Who are you?" I ask kindly. "I could ask you the same question." He replies. I laugh. "The names Lucy." "Heya Luce, I'm Nat-"

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