Chapter 15: Black File

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This chapter will be written from the 3rd person.

Everyone stood outside, waiting for the trial to be called upon.

Janu stood arms crossed, discussing final details with Meryem and Murat. She kept her back to the entrance, specifically to were Nikola was standing.

"Ali and Meryem." They finally called on the trial.

Everyone started to walk into the courtroom, except Nikola.

Janu looked around trying to locate where Nikola was.

But he wasn't there!

Where could have he disappeared into?! Janu thought.

"Janu, hadi* let's go in." Murat said with a smile.

"Evet.*" She replied as she followed him inside.

Everyone took their seats. Janu sat down, nervously rubbing her clammy hands together.

Nerdesin Sen*?! Where are you?!

"Rise Judge Mehemt is coming in." They announced.

Everyone followed the order before sitting back down.

The courtroom's door opened, making everyone turn around. Janu sat on the edge of her seat, slightly raising her body to get a better view of the late comer.

Indeed it was him.

Nikola walked in and said apologetically "Sorry for being late."

Janu let out a small sigh while relaxing her shoulders.

He walked up to his seat then said loudly, smiling "Günaydın* Judge Mehmet. Everyone."

Some mumbled their reply, while others kept silent. Janu was from the latter.

He seemed to have collected himself, but still he wasn't looking in her direction.

Nikola took his seat, opened his briefcase, and pulled out 3 files.

Then he went on to organize his papers.

He looked up then placed his hands over the table, intertwining his fingers together.

He looked around the courtroom, at the clerk, at Luka, even at the ceiling.

Literally at everyone and everything, even at Janu's client.

But never at her, not even once.

Janu smacked her lips together as she promised herself

You come to face me today yet you avoid me. I will make you pay for this and ever single thing you did to me. I swear that I will make you regret everything you did.

"Order." They finally called.

Then it all began.

They started by reading the case.

Ali and Meryem got married 6 years ago. She was his third wife but he was her first.

They had no kids, which made this case a bit easier. They have an age gap of 15 years, Meryem being younger.

They are getting divorced for adultery. He cheated on her. Today was to fight back Janu's accusations.

The main goal of this trial was the financial aspect, really. How to divide their properties.

Ali had an investment company, 2 villas, and apartment in London, 4 cars, and the list goes on. On the other hands, Meryem had her own spa center, 2 cars, 1 chalet, and a few more things.

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