Chapter 25: Scandinavia

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Welcome back!

It have been hectic. Life is busy.

Sit back and enjoy this one.

My cup of hot coco to you after your long day.

Niko POV this time 2 in a row just because the last was mostly in the 3rd person.

And a little plus since you all love being inside his head.


A deafening honk came from behind disrupting my moment with Janu.

"TAMAM YA*. " I yelled as I rolled my window, wanting to give him a little taste of my tongue.

The driver behind me shouted back.

"Niko. Tamam yapma boyle*." her voice came through the chaos I just created.

She dug her nails into my sleeve pulling me back to her.

I turned around frustrated "Ne*?!"

"Yapma." she said firmly.

She gave me a threatening look, announcing that she will leave the car if I went on with the feud.

I let out a deep breath.

"Tamam." I said quietly.

"Good. Drive off." she ordered, letting go of my sleeve.

"Baska Janu Hnaim*?!" I exclaimed as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yok*." she said grinning back at me, looking up and ahead.

I licked my lip as I starred at her and her panda eyes.

Her eye makeup thing, whatever it is called, ran down her face. It left behind a trail of her tears on her face.

I hated that.

Hated that those strokes where a reminder of her tears.

Yet, somehow it looked adorable on her add to that her cute red stuffed nose.

We stopped at a red light, again.

I unfastened my seatbelt before I pushed my body off the seat and to the right.

My sudden movement in her direction made her jump off a bit.

"Sakin* I just need something from behind." I said smiling towards at her.

"Tamam ben sakin." she shrugged at me.

"Obviously." I replied, smirking.

I outstretched my right hand behind her seat.

She looked right at me, acting unfazed by my close proximity to her.

I pushed my body towards her chair, hanging my body weight on her seat.

I stared straight at her.

She looked away and down, unable to sustain her gaze onto mine.

I placed my bag exactly behind her, because earlier today I sat in the passenger seat, while Luka drove.

No I didn't ditch my friend.

He had to run out to catch a date/wedding arrangements with his fiancée.

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