Chapter 17: Look At Me

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Janu POV

I hastily walked out of court.

Murat ran after me, trying to catch up with me "So shall we go to my place?!"

"*Evet ve hayir.*" I said as opened the taxi door then turned around to face him.

"Hayir for which part then?!"

"Evet, you are going. Hayir, I am not. Go to your family, Murat. I have something I have to do." I replied firmly.

Then I got into he taxi's backseat and slammed the door shut behind me without another word.

I turned down Meryem dinning out offer and Murat family hang out.

I had more important things to do.

I have a lawyer to take down.


We stood there staring into one another's eyes.

I flared my nose as my mouth curled in disgust at him.

Every cell in my body held resentment towards him.

My natural self is never angry or hateful, but this was an exception. He is an exception.

My lips parted as I heavily exhaled, a failed attempt at blowing off some of the steam burning within me.

He towered over me.

Çok şükür* I had my peach heels on, giving me more height.

Yet he was still taller.

He was gazing softly back at me, which made me even more frustrated.

If it wasn't him I would say he was admiring me.

"So now you are making eye contact." I said mockingly.

Nikola crocked his head to the side and leaned slightly in whispering "I never knew it would bother you this much. My bad."

His warm breath caressed my already burning cheek.

My cheeks were now tinged red due to all the blood rushing within me.

I stared at him sideways, my pulse picking up it pace. I put a hand out at him, pulling myself back.

"It doesn't matter and this is not why I am here." I said in an urgent tone.

He bit down on his lip. Then looked up, nodding his head and smiling to himself.

He stepped one foot back, turning his back to me, to place his briefcase on his desk.

"Then why are you here?!" He asked turning to me again.

He sat on his desk gripping the edge of his desk. He crossed one leg over the other.

As I opened my mouth to reply, he put a finger out smiling "Bi dakka.*"

Nikola outstretched his hand reaching for the phone across his desk.

With each passing second, every flicker of a movement that he did drove me crazier.

"What do you want to drink?!"

"Yok*, thank you I am good." I replied crossing my arm in irritation.

"Yuh ama çok ayıp.* Turkish kahve* isn't it." He said winking.

As he gave his secretary the order, I said "Tell her to take her time with it. Just as if she would for a groom at her family's house."

He gave me a dimpled grin as he told her to take her time.

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