Chapter 32: Timing

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Welcome back.

I missed you.

These days have been gloomy and stagnant for everyone, I know because I myself have been there.

So I am sending you lots of my love and hugs.

I hope this chapter can make you smile and rest your busy mind for a couple of minutes.

I want to clarify that the events are taking place at (mid-August to early-September)

Chapter 32: Timing

Janu sat across me, dividing us was an old rectangle wooden table. Wood were all around us, from the floors to the walls, except for the glass wall to my left. Even with the window separating us from the world outside, I could still hear the chipping birds outside.

The air was filled with home-made goodness, borek and dolma. 

We were at a restaurant that was nearly empty since it was past lunch time. But the old lady was sweet enough to let the two travelers have a meal at her restaurant. 

I leaned forward placing my right arm lazily on the chair next to me.

Janu kept staring out the window, it was of a small garden covered with colorful wild flowers.

She had her chin leaning on her right hand. She was watching a sparrow hoping around, smiling to herself the faintest of smiles. 

*Sen ne guzel?!

I rubbed my fingers against the wooden chair, wanting to make sure that it wasn't all in my head.

I kept watching her. 

She suddenly moved, alert about how she wasn't alone.

She looked over at me.

I tilted my head to the right, giving her a puzzled look before I smiled at her.

"*Ne?!" She asked.

"*Yok bi şey" I replied, softly closing my eyes.

She let out a breath as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Her way of getting serious.

"You said you had some news to tell me. *Alnat o zaman."

A true lawyer, she never forgets.

"*Bu arada where have you been the past two hours?!"

"Are you interrogating me, *Janu hanim?!" I asked looking at her sideways.

"Yoh why would I interrogate you?!"

"You are that curious about me?!' I placed a hand on my chest, before adding smugly 'To what do I owe such an honour?!"

"I am not." she replied lightly shaking her head.

"It is okay if you were. I don't mind."

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