Chapter 20: Lighthouse

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Luka POV.

Like heavy rainy clouds covering the skies outside, I walked into Niko's office with my own grey clouds.

The moment I opened the door, a flashback hit me.


I ran out the elevator into the hallway, catching my breath at last.

I need to follow Niko's advice and start exercising.

But let's not admit that to him.

I was running late, I slept through my alarm.

When I asked my mom why she didn't wake me up she said " You came so late last night, I just didn't bare to wake you up. I couldn't disturb your peace."

The moment I walked into Niko's office, a voice called "Luka *Bey running late, aren't we?!"

It was Niko standing in the doorway, pissed at me.

The idiot.

"Follow me into my office, please." He said firmly walking into his office.

I followed him inside, as he closed the door behind me.

"How dare you, sir?!" He said.

I turned around to him, wanting to give him an insight of what I thought then.

But he stood there grinning back at me.

The idiot!

"*Ne' he raised an eyebrow at me 'I need to sound frightening in front of my employees."

"Employees?! You only have Nur and I."

"*Olsun! I need to terrify her."

I shook my head at him as he started laughing.

"I am going to go work now, Nikola Bey big boss." I said mockingly walking towards the door.

"*Bedaka, bedaka. *Nereye?! *Gel." He said pulling the little bag in my hand.

He then walked to the little couch he had in the office. Niko flopped himself into the couch then looked up at me "You seriously thought I will let you walk out of here with my food. What Hayat Teyzem had sent for me. Huh *cok komik."

He started opening the containers *Annem sent and started to dig into them.

"Don't stand in there. Gel join me."

The idiot!


I looked around the office, at the places and traces of Niko around me. At everything he had left behind.

I miss the idiot already.

"I miss you *Abim." I whispered under my breath.

I walked up to his desk. After that I went to sit on his chair.

I closed my eyes.

The last 12 hours have been painful.


I laid holding Niko as I leaned my head on his arm.

I wish if I could more for you, Abim.

My brother was in pain and I couldn't do a thing for him.

And that was tormenting me.

All I really wanted to do was get up and punch a wall for all the helplessness I was feeling.

Fajir Namaz came, calling.

Declaring besides prayer's time that we are only getting closer to what I dreading.

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