Chapter twelve

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Srry about the whole four chapters thing. My parents made me take care of stuff while they weant out to dinner and blablabla. So here's chapter twelve!


Chapter Twelve

Wayne's POV





Nothing is the same anymore.. Nothing does. Nothing matters without Alabama. I've sunk into a deep depression. I stay in the room she woke up in and died in. I hug the pillow to my chest. Smelling her fragrances off of it. As if she's still here.

Mom and dad are just as devestaed too. They loved her like a daughter already. But no one is as destroyed as I am.I am an empty shell. I am nothing. I haven't done much of anything. I haven't drank any blood. I haven't moved from this very room. After they put her body in the glass case a ran out of there and lock myself in here.

The bastard. Amat. He killed her. He tried to kill me and Ally saved me. I don't want her dead. She can't be dead but she is.The last two weeks have been... I can't even describe it. I lost my other half. I lost the essence of my soul which gave me life.

I lost my life.

I sink back into the bed. Her fragrances aren't here anymore. They're gone. Stale. No more. I roll around in the bed and close my eyes.

Her violet eyes and long black hair. Her shy smile and cheerfulness. Her fluency in Latin. The way she presented herself. The way she had a cute blush on her cheeks when she was embarrassed. I miss her. I miss her. I miss my soulmate.

'Wayne!' I hear her voice scream mentally. Ahh it's good to hear her voice again. Even if it is imaginary.

'Wayne please come help me! I'm in some glass case! I see darkness everywhere! Please help me!' she screams out to me again.

'It's nice to hear your imaginary voice again.' i say mentally.

'Wayne.. Please.' I can feel her start sobbing. Wait feel?. If I feel her then.. She has to be alive! She has to!

I stand up and run out of the room. I head to the room we put her coffin in. I open the door slowly. My eyes grow wide.

'Wayne!' she yells mentally..

I collapse onto my knees. She's thrashing inside the glass coffin. Her frail body moving inside of it. Her heartbeat. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. You can here it.

Shes alive.

'She's alive! Mom,Dad! She's alive I swear! Come here and look! I'm not kidding this time! You can even here her heartbeat! Please come to the coffin room!' I scream mentally at them.

'Sure,son.' my mother sighs.

I get off of my kness and run over to her. The silver dress we put her in has a rip in it. Her silver cresent moon is shining brightly on her pale skin. I look at her eyes. Her violet eyes connect with mine.

"Wayne." she says. Her hands touch the glass case. "I need to get out of here." I snap out of my daze and I open up the coffin. The glass smashes onto the floor into a million pieces. I pick her up and crush her to my chest. I smell her sweet fragrance. She wraps her arms around me too.

"I've missed you. I can't believe you're alive." I say to her. She barries her face into my neck. I close my eyes and stroke her hair.

"You're alive. I thought... I thought I lost you." I say in her hair. I clutch her even tighter to me. A pain ripples through my body. I haven't fed. Crap. I pull away from her. She stares at me. Her eyes full of sadness.

You're my soulmate?...And you're a what?!?!Where stories live. Discover now