Soulmate 22 (End)

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Here's the last chapter of the story! But don't worry there is a sequel! Yes!! I'm so happy!! I hope u guys liked this story!!

Alabama's POV

I was speechless. He had silver eyes and red curly hair. Why did I compare him to Wayne? He isn't hotter than him.. But Wayne did cheat on me. I stare at the guy. Something about him screams evil. "I'm just fine." I say bitterly. I wipe the tears from my eyes and put on a glare. shock spreads across his face like he didn't expect me to ignore his appearance.

"What has your panties in a twist, birthday girl?" He asks. Thinking of what just happened made me want to cry again, but I didn't. It's not good to cry over somthing lost.

"Nothing. Now just leave me alone." I snap.

 He smirks and says "Hey your the one who ran into me." This guy is so disgusting... I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Wayne behind me. His eyes look dazed and confused. He's only in his boxers. I notice a smear of pink lipstick on the corenor of his lips.

"Ally what's wrong?" He asks. Like he didn't know.. I just glare at him.

"You should know since you did it." I say back coldly. His face turns into confusion and then he suddenly freezes. His eyes are galzed over and he looks like someone is controling him. He smirks at me.

"Oh yeah that quiet good at sex her better than you'll ever be. You were only a good fuck." He says while smirking at me. This isn't my Wayne. It can't be.. Someone's controlling him. But who?

-Wayne what's going on with you?- I ask mentally. I turn around to see the guy smirking also. His smirks is the exact copy planted on Wayne's face. I turn back to Wayne again. His face is placed between pain and control. I'm getting through to him. I look behind me at the other guy and his face mimics the same thing. I knew he was controlloing him, but this is comfirming it. I turn back to Wayne again.

-Fight it Wayne. Fight back. I'm here.-  I say to Wayne in his head. He looks down at me turning into himself for a second. His eyes read I love you. Then the smirk is back.

" I don't love you anymore. Srupid whore. I have never loved you bitch." He says. The words sting, but I don't show my emotion. This wasn't Wayne talking.. I turn back to see the mysterious guy moving his lips for what Wayne is going to say next. His eyes focus on me and his eyes are wide as I caught his secret. I smile at him..

Wayne's POV

It hurt so much saying this to her but I can't stop myself from saying these things. He has taken over my body. That guy is trying to take her from me. Basterd! I can't believe this! She's my life not his! He made me have sex with a slut. After what I just said she just smirked like she knew somthing but I didn't understand what. She turns around and smirked at the vampire then I knew she knew that he was possesing me. My baby girl is so smart. Then something happened I didn't excpect to happen..

Alabama's POV

My hands started glwoing red just like at the war in the woods. Death.. No. I don't want to kill him. It's start a riot. I don't want anymore blood on my hands. I focus my energy to make my hands glow silver. I just want to take away his memory of this night. My hand starts tingiling and I press it to his head. He drops onto the floor. I don't want him disturbling my new family. I sigh and turn to Wayne. He's back to normal.

"Go change." I whisper. I peck his lips softly. He kisses me back with utter sweetness and strokes my cheek softly. He pulls back and gives me a lazy smile. Maybe I should tell him... He can read my mind! I forgot!

His eyebrow furrows. "What aren't you telling me?" He asks. I look up at him. I grab his hand and tug him up the stairs. I pull him to the farthest point in the castle. You can barely hear the music. This place is perfect. It has an unused bed and a large window and a dusty case. I found this out a week ago. It's my 'quiet place'. I sit Wayne on the bed and close the door. I take off my belt.

"Wayne.. What do you hear in this room?" I say. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything. He closes his eyes. I stay quiet and don't move.

"Four heartbeats." He says after a long while. He opens his eyes to look at me. He doesn't get it.. Then his eyes light up in surprise. He got it.. "You're pregnant." I nod slowly and look away from him. He grabs my waist and drags me to him. He lifts up my dress to expose my stomach showing my baby bump. He plants soft kisses on it. It feels so nice. He puts my dress back down and looks up at me.

"I love you.. I really love you.." He whispers. "We're going to have a baby.. It's going to be our baby." I smile and nod at him. I like the way he said our. Our.. Our.. Our.. He grabs my left hand and kisses my ring.

"We'll always be together, Ally.. Always." He whispers on my ring. He stands up in front of me and presses his forehead against mine.

"Always.." I whisper to him throwing my arms against his neck.

Then we seal our fate with a kiss.. One kiss full of love, passion, and sweetness.

I love Wayne... Wayne Mordecai LeMare... A vampire.

Quod forever mos..

And forever will..


And here's the end!!! There will be a sequel and an epilogue i just need one thing to ask...

Baby names. I need baby boy and girl names. (they dont have to have latin roots even thou that wud be cool) I already have some but i want to see what you guys would put.

vote and comment!!

One more part to go!!!!

Peace Out!


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