Chapter Fourteen

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New chapter!!! Woo!!! I have a few more up my sleeve so...

Enjoy this chappie I hop ya like it!!! And comment too!!


Chapter fourteen

Amat's POV

Stupid vampire prince. He has her under mind control. I make myself look okay but in my heart I'm devestated. Shatterd. Gone. I am going to get her back. I ignore the urge to kill all of the vampire's in the whole house and get into my car. I drive off of the drive and head to bossman's lair. I get out of the car slamminng the door so hard the glass shook. I bust into the house and make my way to his office. I see his body guard ,Lane, standing there. He glares at me.

"Cant go in." He says. I glare back at him. I press my hand on his shoulder. I squeeze it and he crumples onto the ground. I step over him and open the door. I see him feeling up a blonde girl. The girl looks at me in annoynace.

"Get out!" I hiss at her. I can feel my powers loosing control again. She finally gets he message and hurry's out of the room. Bossman looks mad.

"Amat Long!" he yells. He gets behind his desk and fixes up his shirt. I don't flinch at the harshness of his words. He notices. "Amat! What has you so pissed?" he chuckles. I walk over his desk and grab him by his collar lifting him up.

"Listen,bossman." I growl into his face. "I found Prince Wayne's weakness. His soulmate. If we take his soulmate then we can kill him and the rest of his blood sucking family. That's what you sent me for and I got it. I want the kidnapping of Alabama, or Isadora, done soon. I will keep her in my apartment." I let go of his collar. He plops back into his seat. I take a step back and calm myself. I open eyes and see bossman smirking at me.

"Why the hell are you smiling at me like that for?" I snap.

"You want her as a playtoy once she gets here don't you? By what I've heard already she is a-" I let out my anger and punch him across his face. Blood trickles from his busted lip. I wipe my knuckles on my shirt.. I'm now a cold harded bastard. And I like it.

I walk away from his desk. I open up the door. "I want it done by tomorrow night." I say to him. Then I slam the door making Lane cringe on fear. I let out a dark laugh as I walk to my apartment.

Cami. You will be mine.

Alabama's POV

I finally get Wayne back to his room. I get Wayne to sit onto his bed. His eyes keep flashing red. He still hasn't drunk any blood yet.

"Do you want me to get some blood for you or..." I trail off. "Do you want to drink my blood?"

He looks up at me. His eyes red at the thought of drinking my blood. Even though I'm scared of last time. Last time Wayne drank my blood. It hurt alot. I shiver at the thought.

"I'll take yours. And this time it won't hurt you. I promise." he says. I slowly walk over to him. I stare into his eyes. He's telling the truth. I nod. He suddenly grabs me by my waist pulling me toward him. His eyes stay their bloody red. He bends down and kisses my neck sucking it in some places. He licks my pulse point slowly. I let out a shaky breath. He chuckles and slowly lets his fangs sink into my skin. I jump at the pain. After a few seconds it becomes pleasure. I let out a shaky moan.

He presses my back onto the bed. I let out a moan and run my hands through his hair. He growls and his hands start running under my dress. I moan quietly and my fingers trace his abs. He shudders and nips at my earlobe. I let out a moan.

"Ally." he says. "Don't do that to me. I don't want to go all the way with you. Not yet." He kisses my lips hungryily. He licks my lip for entrance and I grant it. I moan and clutch his hair. His tongue dominates my mouth. Some of my blood flows into my mouth. I shiver. He licks the roof of my mouth and I let out a moan. He pulls away from me and stares into my eyes.

"Alabama Camiella States." he says slowly. "I love you."

I bite my lip and stare at him. I know that these next words I say are true.

"I love you too,Wayne.."

He pulls me up and hugs me. "Oh thank god." he breathes. I smile at him. He pulls away and pecks my lips. The shocks are intensified now. And I really do love Wayne. I've realized this now. I am deeply in love with Wayne. Nothing can tear us apart now. Nothing..

We stare at eachother. I look deep into his dark green eyes. He loves me.. He really loves me.

"It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you," he starts singing. I smile at the gesture and sing along.

"It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do" He puts me on my feet and starts dancing. I put my hands around his neck and look into his eyes and keep on singing.

" And with every step together, we just keep on getting better

So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)

Can I have this dance"

He smiles and kisses my lips softly.

"Aww!" I hear Abril yell. I stiffen and blush. I look at Wayne and he's glaring at her.

"Way to ruin the moment Rilly." he growls. We all laugh at him. I lay my head against his chest.

This is my new family. The family I was destined to be with. And I love them all.


Does anyone think Amat has gone bonkers? Anyone? lol

Awwwww!!! To the part with Wayne and Alabama!! Those two are so cute!!

Okay not to be mean but i want..

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3 new fans(this one doesnt really matter i just added it..)

For the next chappie!! Plz?


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