Soulmate 18

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srry fo taking so long. i hit my ankle and broke it. so i was sent to the hospital. yeahh.. my head hurts alot too.. and im really clumsy :(

Alabama's POV

We were still driving and I was still trying to contact Wayne. He won't answer and the pain is growing worse in my head. Why won't he answer me?

I turn to Haemon and see he looks stressed. He also looks lost in his own little world. What happened to the Haemon that wanted to take me to his father? Who is his father? Why would his father even want me?.. I know that was about a month ago, but I still wonder..

-Wayne?- I try again. Nothing except for a low buzz. I'm worried about him ever since Haemon told me he was darkness. It doesn't seem like something Wayne would do.. Him setting almost all of Massachusetts on fire. Those 1,000 innocent people dying.. What mad him so mad anyway?

All of a sudden I see a blur fly across the street. Dark brown hair and dark red eyes strak across the window.


Haemon saw it and stops the car to run after it. Could that have been Wayne? I sit in the car and look as the swaying trees waiting for Haemon to return. Something deep inside me is telling me something really bad will happen tonight. Like someone I love is going to die..

Haemon pops up and knocks on my window making me jump. He keeps his face straight, but his eyes dance with amusement. "Do you know what that was?" I look at him with a confused expression and he sighs."That was Wayne."  So it was him..

I looked at him shocked at how fast he was running.  "Will we be able to 

catch up with him in this car?"

 he smiled at me and shakes his head. "Nope. So get out." I sigh and get out of the car. I jump onto his back and hug his neck. This is sort of awkward... "Hold on tight. I have to run reall-"

I cut him off. "Just go!!!" I yell. Haemon takes off. The colors of green and brown pass by quickly as my hair smacks my cheeks. I put my head under my arm feeling nausiated.

"Look up and try to get his attention." Haemon says. I look up and see Wayne running right next to us. He doesn't even notice our presence. His eyes are a blood red and the darkness is luminating off of his body. The darkness is whipping at his skin and anything around him. I shiver and reach out to him.

"Wayne!" I yell as Haemon moved closer to him so I could touch his face. Wayne doesn't seem fazed. "Wayne!" I yell again trying to get his attention. I'm here now so why isn't he responding? Then I get an idea.

"Haemon trip him." I say. "Don't say anything else just trip him." Next thing I know Wayne is laying face first into the ground. Wayne growls and jumps up suddenly slamming me and Haemon into a tree. My back cracks and I moan in pain. I end up sliding off of Haemon's back and fall onto the floor. Darkness starts wrapping around Haemon's leg. A coldness passes through me making me shiver.

"Where's Ally?" Wayne growls. I hear the smack of Haemon's head against the tree. With a great effort I manage to stands up and face Wayne. He doesn't notice me, though, He's just standing there. I think Wayne cracked a few of my ribs. The darkness is up to Haemon's hips. He looks like he's struggling to breathe. "Wayne stop." I say.

He turns to me and snarls not recongnizing my face or anything. His blood red eyes are filled with fury and pain. I reach out for his cheek and stroke it softly. My body runs cold as the darkness wraps around my hand.Suddenly, the darkness dies around him and my hand glows silver. "Let him go." I whisper.

Wayne's grip on Haemon releases and his arms wraps around me. I fight back a hiss in pain and wrap my arms around his neck. The farmiliar sparks run over my skim running throuhgout my body. I look up at him and his eyes are now a mix of green and red. Like Christmas colors. A black tear runs down his cheek. Then many more follow. I bury my face into the crook of his neck and his face buries itself into my hair. I inhale his farmiliar scent. It's indescribable and wonderful.

"Don't leave me again." He says into my hair. I'm tempted ti kiss his lips.

"Why would I?" I whisper to him. My lips brush his neck and he shivers.

I hear claps come from in front of us. I look up and see Haemon clapping and smling. Amat is standing right next to him, "How sweet." Amat says in an icy voice. About a thousand people emerge around us. They all have swords or crossbows as weapons. Evil smiles are placed on their faces. I recognize them instantly. Wayne lets out a low growl and his eyes turn back to a bloody red.

Vampire hunters..

They're here to kill Wayne..

Haemon betrayed us..

We're going to die..


Here's the chapter! Urghh my head...The next part will be up soon.

Peace Out


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